the prince and i

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A/N: I don't know how much I love the following words, but I really wanted to put out something. I have a plan to continue this AU so hopefully more will come soon. 

Comments not only improve the ideas, but they genuinely do improve my writing. So please comment! Whether it is so just say something random or give some constructive criticism, I really do appreciate it. 

Derek never wanted to go back to Auphiria. All of those rules. Every protocol he had to follow as the prince. He couldn't do it. Everything he did was constantly monitored as it "reflected the actions of the royal family". It sucked.

Nonetheless, Derek still found himself on a 10-hour flight from California on his way back to Auphiria for his sister, Laura's wedding. He promised her he'd be there, and he never lied to her. 

"Tell me you'll be there, Der bear. I'll let you leave after the ceremony. I won't even make you stay for the reception," she told him.

As much as Derek hated being a part of the monarchy, he knew he couldn't skip on his sister's wedding. She was his best friend, he needed to be there.

The plane landed and Derek readjusted his sunglasses and hat so that he wouldn't be recognized. It was simple, but it worked. He grabbed his backpack and moved quickly through security.

Derek made his way to where the taxis normally parked, hoping to find an easy way home, and saw a tall brunette man holding a sign that read "David Hearst," the name he went by when he didn't want to be found, including in California. 

He strode over to the man before grabbing the collar of his suit and yanking him close.

"How the hell do you know that name?"

The man grabbed his hand and gently pulled it away from his suit before brushing out the creases, visibly displeased. 

"Your highness, your sister sent me to escort you to the palace. It's protocol that you have proper security while in Auphiria," he said while leading Derek towards an SUV and opening the back door for him. 

"Fuck protocol," Derek said while climbing into the car. The door shut and his bodyguard moved to the driver's seat.

"If you're going to be my royal babysitter, I should at least know your name," Derek announced.

"Stiles Stilinski, your highness. I joined the service a few years ago. My dad is the police sheriff of one of the local towns."

Derek nodded, knowing that Stilinski's dad seemed somewhat familiar, though Stilinksi himself didn't look a day over twelve. 

He pulled off his baseball cap and sunglasses for the first time since he left California and ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to make it look better.

He caught Stilinski's gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Something wrong, Stilinski?"

The now frazzled bodyguard, averted his gaze, "Uh, no sir. I just haven't seen what you looked like since you left Auphiria. There haven't been in any pictures or anything," he cleared his throat, "Lydia, will meet us at the entrance to the palace and take us to meet your mother. You will be allowed to go to your room before reconvening with your sister. "

"Oh great. I'll be 'allowed' to go to my room. Glad to see Auphiria hasn't changed."


Upon arriving to the castle, Stilinski jumped out of the car and ran to open Derek's door. He held an umbrella over the door to keep Derek dry from the pouring rain even though he was soaked himself. Lydia stood holding her umbrella to follow the two.

Stilinski walked with Derek to the entrance of the palace and into the main common area where his mother was waiting.

"Derek! I was beginning to wonder when you were getting here." she walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before letting him go, though reluctantly. 

"How are you? It's been so long."

Derek gave her a sad smile, "I'm doing great, Mom. I've been spending a lot of time reconstructing a house I discovered in the forest near my apartment building."

"And what about dating? Have you met anyone?"

Derek looked down at his shoes but he could see Stilinski smirking from the corner of his eye. That bastard. 

"Bothering Derek with inappropriate questions is my job mother, " Laura laughing as she strode into the room with Micheal, her fiancé. She looked at Stilinski who was still soaked from head to toe.

"Thanks for making sure my brother got here safely, Stiles. You might want to go get changed."

Stilinski bowed before saying "Of course, your highness," and scurrying to the security quarters of the palace.

Laura led Derek up the stairs towards her room. She opened her mouth to ask him a question but as soon as they reached the hallway, Cora came bounding from her room, nearly knocking over a member of the staff.

"DEREK!" She screamed as she ran into him to give him a hug.

"Hey kiddo," Derek murmured in his sister's hair.

Cora pulled back from him so that she could look at his face.

"Geez. You're old now."

Derek laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm only a few years older than you, Cora. Plus you've aged quite a bit since the last time I saw you."

Cora rolled her eyes and grabbed her brother's hand before dragging him into his room.

"I made your bed all nice and neat. I also threw out all the pictures of Lady Kate."

Laura gasped, knowing that it was a sensitive topic, "Cora!"

Derek walked over to pick up a picture of his family from his nightstand, "It's alright Laura. I'm glad she did."

Cora pulled off her shoes and sat in a crisscrossed position on Derek's bed, "Speaking of Lady Kate, have you dated anyone in California? I bet it's easier to date without all of Auphiria following your every move."

"I haven't really gotten around to it."

Laura scoffed, "Yeah, right. You just don't want to. Even in Auphiria, you wouldn't have trouble dating if you really wanted to."

Derek could almost laugh. There was no privacy when he was in Auphiria. Or in any country really, as long as people knew he was Derek Hale.

"Says the woman who assigned a bodyguard to me as soon as I stepped on Auphirian soil. How am I supposed to do anything with him following me around?"

Laura rolled her eyes and sighed, "Stiles is a nice guy. He's just looking out for you. Plus he's really understanding when it comes to giving you your privacy. Just deal with it, please."

Derek looked at her pleading eyes and eventually caved. He would never argue with his sister (Laura, that is), especially this close to her wedding day. 

"Fine. I will."

Laura clapped her hands in glee and pulled her sister out of the room to leave Derek to himself for a few moments before dinner. 

In the next few days, Derek quickly learned how much involvement Stilinski had in his life. Too much, if anything. Anytime he wished to leave the palace, Stilinski was there. And even when he was at the palace, Derek could usually spot Stiles from the corner of his eye. 

The only thing that rid Derek of his frustration was that Stilinski knew when to stay quiet and stay out of his way. 

But when Derek started receiving threats from someone in his past, Stilinski would have to get much more involved. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now