how about a drunk wedding?

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A/N: If you hadn't noticed, I haven't updated in a while. The truth is, I'm in a really weird place emotionally rn and writing hasn't been on the top of my to-do list, but I really want to try and get back into writing.

I'm not really sure how much I like this one-shot (though I have plans for a continuation if you guys like it), but please let me know in the comments so I know whether or not I should just take it down and pretend like it never existed lol. 

Stiles was only supposed to go to his high school reunion and then head back to DC. That was it. He wasn't supposed to end up at Derek's loft after the event. He definitely was not supposed to head out with Derek to an old bar less than an hour from Beacon Hills.  Stiles DEFINITELY was not supposed to get so wasted to the point that he could not even remember his name at the said bar and then leave the bar with Derek. 

Stiles groaned the next morning when the sunlight hit his eyes, automatically initiating his hangover. A headache drummed in his head like an angry jackhammer. He rolled around in the sheets before realizing that he wasn't alone after accidentally smacking his arm against a naked chest. He gradually opened his eyes and noticed that the extra company in his hotel bed was Derek Hale, Scott's alpha and a previously accused (but proven innocent) murderer. 

Stiles gasped and quickly covered his eyes with his hands either because he was trying to hide or because his high school crush was naked in bed with him.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." 

When Derek started to stir, Stiles slowly lowered his hands.

That's when he noticed an extra detail on his hand.

Stiles had a gold ring on his left ring finger. 

Like the spaz he was, Stiles threw himself out of the bed and onto the floor of the hotel room. His heart was racing and he wracked his brain, trying to remember the night before. Was it a fake ring? Did he buy it at some Dollar Tree during his drunken haze? 

Derek finally woke up and rubbed his eyes. He seemed to be less startled about ending up in someone else's bed. Stiles's heart only raced faster.

"What are you doing on the floor?"

If Derek's chest was considered sexy, his morning voice was probably the sexiest thing Stiles had ever heard.

Stiles realized that he too was naked and quickly grabbed a blanket from the bed to cover himself up. His face turned a deep shade of red. 

"I don't remember..."

Derek winced and rubbed his temple, "Me neither." 

Stiles gently sat back on the bed and gulped.

"I -uh- I woke up and this was on my hand." Stiles lifted his left hand and placed it in Derek's view. 

Derek's eyes widened, clearly recognizing the ring, and lifted his hand, only to realize that he was marrying a matching ring. 


Stiles rubbed the back of his neck. He couldn't decide if he was feeling nervous or panicked. Maybe both.

"It can't be legal, right? You can't just get a marriage license and get married spontaneously. And we would have needed a witness. Our drunk selves probably just thought it would be funny to wear rings and scare the crap out of us."

Derek ran his hands through his messy hair, "In California, you can."


"In California, you can get a marriage license without a waiting period. You lived here for eighteen years. You should know. As for the witness, I have no idea."

Stiles groaned, "Shit." 

He quickly located his phone and looked through his previous phone calls while Derek did the same. Stiles pressed the most recent phone number and waited for the call to go through. 

Finally, the phone was picked up and Stiles was greeted by the tired voice of another hungover individual. 


Stiles's anxiety skyrocketed. "Were you at the City Hall last night with me, by any chance?" 

There was a moment of silence before Stiles heard Scott laughing on the other line. 

"Wait, that wasn't a dream?"

The transition from anxiety to anger was almost seamless. At times like these, Stiles remembered why he officially moved DC (and away from Scott) after college.

"You came to City Hall, watched Derek and I SIGN A MARRIAGE LICENSE, and you did nothing!?" 

There was another moment of silence as Scott tried to think of an excuse.

"Idk man. You guys seemed happy. Plus it was funny."

Stiles rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. He turned back around to find Derek holding a piece of paper.

"Is that-"

Derek nodded, "Our marriage certificate."

Stiles crawled over on the bed and looked over Derek's shoulder. The paper read Miecyslaw and Derek Hale rather than Miecyslaw Stilinski. Scott's name was scrawled messily at the bottom as a witness.

"You have to be shitting me."

Derek looked into Stiles's eyes and allowed a small single to appear, "At least your name is slightly less complicated now." 

Stiles gently hit Derek and gave him a joking scowl. 

"Aren't we both supposed to have marriage certificates? Like a copy of sorts?" 

Derek shrugged. "I don't know how marriage works."

Stiles twisted the ring on his finger nervously. "Are we going to stay married? Is there a waiting period? And these rings, where did we even get them?"

"They were my grandparents' rings." 

Stiles's anxiety raced and he started to twist the ring off of his ringer, in fear of losing it.

Panic bloomed on Derek's face. "Don't take it off! It will be safer on your finger." 

Stiles blushed and pushed the ring back onto his finger. 

"We seriously need to talk about this Derek. This is a marriage that we're talking about. As of right now, we are legally stuck with each other. I don't want this to be something that either of us regrets. It's best if we get this marriage annulled as soon as possible." 

Derek's expressions almost read as disappointed, maybe even sad. 

"Maybe we should wait a little longer, try to figure out why got married in the first place." 

Stiles groaned, "Because we were drunk! And have you met Scott and me? Our sense of humor is the most random shit ever." He signed and closed his eyes, "I don't even live here, Derek. I live on the opposite side of the country. Where I have a career and friends. I can't just leave that because of a marriage that was essentially a one night stand." 

Instead of responding, Derek picked up a pile of clothes from the night before and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Stiles would be lying if he said he didn't stare at Derek's butt as he walked away. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now