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Stiles woke up that morning with excitement and nerves bubbling in his chest. Beacon Hills was hosting its first pride parade after an anonymous host had decided to sponsor it. Stiles had been to pride parades before but it would be the first one in his own home town its people he knew perhaps being there. Luckily for him, he had somehow convinced Scott to come along.

He'd just finished getting ready when he heard Scott knocking at the door. He ran to the front and opened it to reveal Scott wearing a tank top saying "I love my Gay Best Friend". Stiles's smiled widened even further.

"I can't believe you're actually wearing that," He told Scott.

Scott stepped in the house saying, "I can't believe you're wearing that," Referring to the outfit that Stiles was wearing. He was wearing a white crop top that had rainbows and said "GAY" in big, black letters. He was also wearing some denim booty shorts that he had stolen from Lydia.

"You mean this?" Stiles asked while spinning in a circle. "Just a little something something I threw together."

Scott gave him a "are you serious" look, causing Stiles to roll his eyes.

"Oh come on. I'm usually a lot worse at the pride parade in San Francisco. I toned it down because of the fact that we could potentially run into a bunch of people we knew in high school."

Two more knocks were heard from the door and Stiles ran to open it. Cora Hale entered the house as Stiles grabbed her hand and pulled her in.

"CORA YOU'RE HERE!" Stiles jumped up and down, happy that two of his closest friends were here.

"I'm so excited, you don't even understand. Someone FINALLY decided to sponsor a pride parade in Beacon Hills, it only took a gazillion years."

Cora's expression was suddenly puzzled, "You mean Derek?"

Stiles stopped bouncing up and down and both he and Scott looked at Cora with wide eyes, "Derek?"

"Yeah, Derek's the sponsor. He's been wanting to do this since he was, like, ten."

Stiles was absolutely flabbergasted, not even realizing that Derek would ever do something like this. He knew he must have been at least an ally, considering that he never batted an eye when Stiles would make out with his boyfriend at the time in front of Derek's loft before going to each pack meeting, but he never pictured Derek basically running a pride parade.

"Well, he's going right?" Stiles asked expectedly, to which Cora shook her head.

"I don't think so."

Stiles's draw dropped immediately, "Bullshit. We're heading over to the loft right now."

Stiles grabbed the key to his jeep, much to Cora and Scott's protests and ran out the front door of the house. He got into the front door of the car and started it before waiting for Scott and Cora to eventually follow him.

"Are you sure Derek's not just going to get all pissed like he normally does and punch you in the face or something?" Scott asked.

"I mean probably," Stiles said as he backed out of the driveway and onto the road, "but we should at least try. You can't host a pride parade and not go. That's a disgrace."

Eventually, they arrive at Derek's loft and they slowly made their way inside. Like he did when they had pack meetings, Stiles burst the door open without even knocking.

"Sorry Der," Cora said, "I tried to stop him but-"

"Cora better have been lying when she told me you weren't showing up to your own pride parade."

At first, Derek was taken aback and a little angry at Cora for revealing the fact that he was the anonymous sponsor for the parade.

"It's not really my thing," he started, "I can be proudly bi in the comfort of my own home."

Stiles wasn't really all the surprised when Derek suddenly revealed that he was bi, but he did find it a little bit weird that he didn't already know, despite having known Derek since Stiles was a sophomore in high school and now he was a college graduate.
Stiles grabbed Derek's hand and dragged him through the loft until they reached Derek's closet. Even though Derek could pull away easily, he chose not to.
They reached Derek's closet and Stiles raided it for an outfit for Derek to wear to the parade. Eventually he found a white tank top and some jeans and threw them at Derek who caught them gracefully.

"Change," Stiles demanded.

As Derek did so, Stiles raided the rest of the room as Cora and Scott kept watch. Eventually, he found a neatly folded bi flag and a pair of sunglasses that he recognized from another pride event that had the bi colors on them. When Derek came out of the bathroom in his new outfit, Stiles handed him the sunglasses for him to put on while he tied the bi flag around Derek's shoulders like a cape.


Derek stood in front of the three young adults awkwardly and slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't want to do this," he told Stiles.

Stiles frowned, "C'mon big guy, it will be fun once we get there and if not, I'll leave and drive you home early myself."

Eventually Derek agreed to this compromise and the four of them squeezed into Stiles's Jeep that, by some miracle, was still alive.
They drove downtown and found a spot that was a good distance from the parade. When they got there, hundreds of people were there, some that they recognized and others that they didn't. It made Stiles immensely happy to see old people celebrating their queerness as well as young kids. They even ran into Jackson Whittemore who was rocking some pansexual attire.

"Nice shirt," he shouted once he saw Stiles.

Stiles grinned and shook Jackson's hand, despite the fact that they basically despised each other in high school.
After Jackson and Stiles said their goodbyes and parted in their different ways, Cora and Stiles continued down the closed off street, arm in arm. Derek and Scott trailed awkwardly behind. They occasionally stopped at different booths to look at merch or to listen to the live music that was being performed.

"This is so well organized, Sourwolf!" Stiles shouted over the music. In response, Derek's cheeks flamed red.

Noticing this, Cora pulled Scott away so that they would be by themselves, even though technically they were surrounded by at least a thousand other people.

"This is awesome, Derek."

Derek scratched the back of his neck, "Thanks. I thought it was about time that Beacon Hills became a little more progressive."

They danced around to the music, Stiles getting slightly more provocative as time went on. Eventually the two were basically pressed up against each other with no space to move.


Stiles looked up at Derek before whispering, "you're absolutely beautiful" leading to Derek swooping in and planting a kiss directly on his lips and in that moment, Derek had never been happier to have left his house.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now