I Don't Know. Am I?

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A/N: I hope you all are doing well!!! Don't forget to comment. I love reading them.
My question for you: What is your favorite episode/story arc of Teen Wolf?

Stiles kicked up his dress shoes on the desk. The teacher wasn't in the detention room, so he was in the clear. Not that he cared.

"You shouldn't put your feet on the desk," another boy whom Stiles recognized as Derek Hale said. Despite never actually interacting with Hale, Stiles saw him in detention nearly every day.

Stiles rolled his eyes and made the point of rubbing the soles of his shoes onto the top of the desk. He threw his head back, spit his gum in the air before catching it again in his mouth.

Mr. Harris walked back into the room, only to glare at Stiles's feet.

"I could keep you here for another detention for destruction of property, Mr. Stilinski."

Stiles grinned before removing his feet from the desk and sticking his gum to the underside of it, "Do it then."

Mr. Harris fumed, "Your father will hear about this."

"Good," Stiles sneered.

Harris stormed again outside of the room, obviously to the headmaster's office to complain about the behavior of 'reckless teenage boys', mumbling various expletives under his breath. Stiles grinned and kicked his feet back up on the desk, but not before removing his school issued blazer. He liked to see how far out of uniform he could get while Harris was out of the room. His tie already lay forgotten on the floor beside him. It would probably result in another detention, but it would only be one more to the thirty-six he already had lined up.

"I don't understand why you're itching to be in detention with Harris all the time," Derek muttered from his desk on the other side of the room.

Stiles scoffed, "You're here just as often as I am, Hale. You have no reason to be talking."

There was silence from Derek's desk and Stiles grinned, thinking he'd won.

"I'm here because I have nothing better to do," Derek mumbled, "I'm just doing homework." He waved his calculus homework as proof.

Stiles let out a laugh, "Please. Weren't you arrested for trying to burn down your dorm?"

Derek glared at Stiles before his eyes turned back toward his homework.

Stiles reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out another piece of gum to stick in his mouth.


Stiles arrived to detention the following day ten minutes early. This time he wasn't by himself. Instead, he was accompanied by Jackson Whittemore. Jackson got detention from Ms. Blake after threatening to shove his copy of The Great Gatsby up Greenberg's ass.

Stiles took the farthest desk towards the back while Jackson took the one beside him. More often than not, Stiles didn't have a backpack, so he threw his one notebook and pencil on the floor. He kicked his feet in their usual place on the top of the desk before staring at the ceiling. The holes he'd put there by throwing several pencils at the ceiling looked particularly nice today.

The door opened and shut and Stiles passed it off as Mr. Harris finally entering the room.

Instead, his peaceful observation of the ceiling was cut off by Derek Hale's voice, "What did you do this time, Stilinksi?"

Stiles grinned, "I'm here for the same reason I was yesterday, Hale."

"Oh. And what's that, again?"

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now