love to hate you

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A/N: It's that time of the week again folks!

I hope you are all safe and healthy. Please comment! I love reading your guys' thoughts.

Question: What is your favorite Teen Wolf ship (other than Sterek, of course)? Tbh I always shipped the Sheriff and Melissa, but I'm kind of glad they didn't end up together. 

Derek knew he was overworked, everyone knew he was overworked, but there wasn't any other option. His father had passed away a few years earlier as a result of a heart failure, Laura was heading off to college next year, and his mom was doing the best off of her teacher salary. If Derek didn't spend all of his free time taking shifts at the family diner, his family would never be able to afford for him and his two siblings to go to college. Even worse, they might be forced to sell the diner. The same diner his dad had put his entire life into.

Derek's day started at 4 AM. He rolled out of bed, changed into some clothes that he somehow managed to find in the dark, grabbed his backpack from beside his desk, and left the house as quietly as he could. By 4:45, he was opening the diner and setting up for the day. Officially, it opened at 6:30 AM, but Derek was the only one who would take the opening shift, so he had to give himself enough time to set up everything for the day in his tired haze. Once he'd finished, Derek would find a stool at the counter to finish the homework he'd been too tired to complete the night before. Mark, the chef, came in 5 minutes before drowsy customers came in, usually to ask for a cup of coffee. Derek served customers and ran the register until 7:20 so that he could be at school by the time the first bell rang at 7:40. He pushed through the school day to return to the diner at 3:00 PM and work there until closing at 9:30 PM. Derek would rush home and do his homework. He was lucky if he could get four hours of sleep.

And then he'd repeat.

Derek didn't love his schedule, but it was functional. He just needed it to be consistent so that he wouldn't be thrown off his guard. Consistency kept Derek from losing his mind. That was why he nearly had a heart attack when he saw a new person in the diner, holding a notepad that was typically reserved for his hand. Derek's eyes darted to Laura, his older sister and manager, sitting on the counter. Typically, she was in the office handling the financial side of the business, and if she was in the actual diner, something was about to change.

"No," Derek said as he tied his apron around his waist.

Laura rolled her eyes, "Go clock in Derek, and then get back out here."

Derek sighed and headed to the backroom, "Fine. Give me a minute."

"You have thirty seconds," Laura called out to him.

Derek clocked in and then moved to the kitchen, saying hi to Mark, in order to wash his hands, "You say that like it's threatening."

"I can be when I want to be," Laura shot back.

Derek quickly washed his hands and moved back to where Laura and the new kid were standing, "You're not threatening. You can try, but it won't work."

"Are you ready to listen to me now?" Laura asked, an eyebrow raised.

Derek let a small smile show up on his face, "Yes. Tell me what you need, Laur." He tried his best to avoid eye contact with the kid still standing behind Laura. Derek knew he recognized him from somewhere, but he was unable to figure out from where. The boy had a shaved head (though it was starting to grow back) and honey-colored eyes, the kind of color that made avoiding eye contact extremely difficult.

Laura reached behind her and pulled the boy next to her. By the look in his eyes, he was not used to Laura's physical harassment.

"Train him."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now