When I Said I Would Go Undercover as a Stripper...

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A/N: omg guys this one is actually kind of long: are you proud?
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Stiles stood outside the nightclub in the most uncomfortable skinny jeans that anyone could imagine. To make matters even worse, he wore a skin tight grey shirt.

« Are these clothes necessary?, » Stiles asked Rouiz, his supervisor, over the phone. He would have worn a wire to the interview but because of the tightness of his clothes, he was unable to.

« If you want to get a job at this mob front than yes, those clothes are necessary. »

Stiles tried again to make his shirt looser, but obviously failed.

« Fine. My dad can't find out about this. »

He clicked the red end call button on his phone slid it in one of the very thin pockets of his jeans.
Stiles opened the door and entered the big building, at first seeing no one before a tall blonde entered his view.

« You must be Stiles, » she said, « Follow me. »

With his head ducked low, Stiles followed the woman to the back of a club to what must have been Derek Hale's office. Not only was Derek the club owner, but he was also the leader of the suspected mob that was running this club as a front.
The woman, who had learned to be named Erica, opened the door and motioned for Stiles to follow her inside.

« Boss, the interviewe is here. »

Immediately when seeing Derek, Stiles's heart came to a stop. Derek had piercing eyes and a scruffy beard as well as sleeves of tattoos running down both of this arms.
Erica left the office and shut the door behind her.
Stiles took a seat in the big brown chair across from Derek's desk.

« Have you worked as a dancer in a club like this before? » Derek asked him, looking him up and down.

Feeling a little self conscious, Stiles was tempted to shrink into a ball but he remembered that his cover was a very confident and experience pole dancer. He nodded and pulled out a fake resume that the police department had made for him and he handed it over the mob boss. Derek accepted it and glanced over it.

« You can start tonight. Erica will give you your clothes. »

Stiles's eyes widened, he definitely hadn't expected for it to go so easily.

« Uh yes sir. I'll be here. »

He stood up from the chair and left to go find Erica who was already standing outside of the door with a smirk on her face. She held the tightest red briefs that Stiles had ever seen as well as some black shorts to go on top.

« Feel free to add accessories, » she told him as she handed him the clothes.

Stiles nodded nervously and left the club, outfit in hand, and entered a nearby apartment building where he would be staying for the next few months or so.


Later that night, around 8:00 or so, Stiles wandered back across the street to the club to start his first shift. Underneath his sweatpants, he wore the clothes that Erica had given him earlier that day. On top, he wore a white button down.
He entered the club and hung around the main entrance for a little before another guy his age with curly hair walked in the club as well.

« You the new guy? I'm Isaac. Follow me. »

Stiles followed Isaac down a stairwell to the basement which just seemed to be a long hallway of doors.

« You'll be sharing a 'dressing room' with me. We have like 30 minutes to get ready before we have to head upstairs. »

Isaac opened the door to their dressing room and he pulled off his jacket, revealing similar clothes to Stiles.
Stiles awkwardly stepped out of his sweatpants and put them on the long counter.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now