I Didn't Ask to Have a Stiles Living in My House

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Derek looked through the one way mirror at the young male in the interrogation room. He felt a pang of sympathy in his chest, considering that the boy's father was the Sheriff of the department and was a single father. The name of the boy in the interrogation room was Stiles Stilinski. He had his worn down converse kicked up on the metal table and Derek watched as he tugged at his wrist that was handcuffed to the table, as if that would do anything. The door to the room that Derek was in swung open and in walked the Sheriff who took one look at the interrogation room before looking at Derek with an expression on his face that asked "again?"

Derek nodded, "He tagged the wall behind the high school. Davis caught him when she was on her patrol."

The Sheriff ran his hands down his face, "Can you handle it Officer Hale? You know I can't considering the personal connection, and I would really appreciate having someone I trust run the interrogation."

"Of course, sir." Derek grabbed Stiles's file from where he had left it on a table and left to open the door to the interrogation room.

He pulled the door open and walked across the room so that he could sit at the other side of the metal table, Stiles had no reaction.

"I assume you know why you're here," Derek started, "So I shouldn't have to repeat it, but you are facing some serious charges, Stiles, especially considering that this isn't the first time you've been arrested."

Stiles rolled his eyes and looked at his tattooed hands.

"I've been in interrogation with you before," Derek said, "You'll talk eventually. Just like you always do."

Stiles opened his mouth and pulled his feet down from the table, "What I don't understand is why I'm even in interrogation. Davis saw me tagging the wall, why don't you just put me in a holding cell until I get my sentence? That's how it's supposed to work. I would know, I've been raised around the station my whole life," he said, his eyes darting to the one way mirror where he knew where his dad was standing.

Derek put Stiles's file on the table and opened in up, "We talked to the county and they are willing to release you on probation as long as you participate in a trial program that was designed to help rehabilitate people like you, people who have petty crime offences and don't appear to be an actual threat to society."

Stiles laughed, "No way. I'll take the prison sentence, thank you."

"You'll basically be living with an officer, attending regular therapy sessions, and you can even take college classes at the community college if you want. C'mon Stiles, your dad really cares about you and even he thinks this is a good idea."

Stiles took a pause. His eyes darted to the mirror again and then moved to look at his file. He couldn't read all of the words that littered the pages but what he could see was his earliest mugshot; he was twelve.

"Do you think this is a good idea Hale?"

Derek took an intake of air, "Yeah. Yeah I do. You're not a bad kid, Stilinski. You've just been through a lot."

"And which officer would I be staying with? I wouldn't mind staying with Davis, she's hot."

Derek rolled his eyes, "I don't have that information yet but you would find out if you agreed to the program."

They sat in the room for what felt like hours before Stiles looked up at Derek, "Yeah okay."

Derek tried his best to hide his smile, but he was honestly so relieved that Stiles had agreed, that he was unable to suppress his grin.

"Great. I'll go tell the Sheriff."

Derek scooped up Stiles's file and left the room. Outside stood the Sheriff who was already making calls to the county to enroll Stiles into the program. The Sheriff put covered the speaker of the phone with his hand before asking, "You're okay with being Stiles's sponsor, right?"

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now