The Best Gift I Could Ever Imagine

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A/N: Please comment. I did this instead of studying for a french oral so it deserves something lol. 

Stay healthy and safe!

Stiles reached out and touched the soft skin of the baby Derek was cradling to his chest. Her skin was soft and warm while his hands were cold and clammy. Even though Stiles wasn't the one holding her, he was filled with anxiety.

"So you're telling me another pack just dumped her here?" Stiles asked while cautiously rubbing the baby's peachfuzz hair. She just giggled.

Derek growled and pulled the small girl away from Stiles, "They did not dump her here. Most of her pack is dead and they don't have the facilities to take care of her anymore."

Stiles grimaced. No child should have to go through that. 

"Geez. Can I hold her?"

Derek raised an eyebrow, but as he stretched his arms out to hand the baby to Stiles, she started wailing. Derek began to visibly panic, his eyes going red and his shoulders tensing.

Stiles reached out gently and pulled the baby away from him and into his arms.

"Calm down, big guy. Have you fed her since the other pack dropped her off?"

Derek winced. 

Stiles shifted the baby into the crook of one arm and used his newly free hand to rub his forehead.

"Daddy Hale is not a very good dad, now is he?" Stiles cooed before becoming totally serious, "I'm going to the store."

He turned to leave the Hale ruins but turned around before he reached the door.

"You wait here. I'll find a car seat and we can go to my house when I get back."

Derek raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Your current living situation isn't exactly family-friendly, bud."

Derek shrugged in agreement and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket before handing it to Stiles.

"You can use my card."

Stiles grinned at the newfound power. Derek immediately noticed the expression and almost made a grab for his wallet. 

"Jesus Christ, Stiles. Please don't spend all of my money."

The baby wailed even louder causing Stiles to raise his arms in surrender.

"I'm going! I'm going!"

Babies are confusing, Stiles decides when he's looking at the overwhelming shelves of baby supplies. Every product looked the same and somewhat terrifying. 

He had just decided to buy generic baby formula and a package of bottles when he was approached by one of the sales personnel.

"Need any help?"

Stiles spun around to face the woman, "Yes, that would be great." Because he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. None at all. 

She looked at what he had picked out as well as the list Derek had texted him after researching several baby websites.

"How old is your baby?"

Stiles choked on his spit, as one does, before articulating, "No she's not my baby. She's a friend's baby. And she's about a month old."

The woman raised an eyebrow and glanced again at the list, "Well your friend seems a little underprepared." 

She guided Stiles around the store and gathered a number of supplies, including diapers (gross) and a couple of onesies.  She even helped Stiles pick out a car seat after he had asked where he could find one. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now