Hospital Sterek - Part 3

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Stiles ran down the hallway to the nurses' station. This was probably his favorite part of the day, seeing his favorite nurse right before lunch. He slid around the corner of the hallway and grabbed the counter of the desk before he could slide and fall.

"Hey Derek!"

Derek Hale, probably the hottest nurse in the entire Beacon Hills Hospital (maybe even all of California), looked up from the papers that were stacked in front of him.

"Do you want to go out with me? And by out I mean to lunch. And by lunch I mean to the cafeteria. Because I am so scared that my pager is going to go off and we really don't have time to go anywhere. But if you do want to go somewhere, we could do dinner. Or breakfast. Either is fine."

Derek moved the paper on top to the side and sighed.

"Dr. Stilinski, can't you see that I'm busy? I really don't want to stay after my shift to do this paperwork."

Stiles shoved his hands into his pockets, "C'mon Derek. It's just to the cafeteria."

Suddenly Stiles's pager beeped and he pulled it from his waistband with a frown.

"Crap, I have to go-"

"That's too bad," Derek interrupted, feigning regret.

"I'll try again tomorrow. See ya Der Bear!"

Derek rolled his eyes and turned back to his paperwork, shoving off his friends at the nurses' station who were sending him questioning looks about Stiles.

"He totally wants to bang you," murmured a blonde nurse.

The tips of Derek's ears turned pink, "Shut up Erica."


The next day, Derek came into work with two cups of black coffee. Another doctor, Boyd, had called him telling him that Stiles really needed a cup of coffee and everyone knew that the coffee at the hospital tasted like cardboard.

When he got to the nurses' station, he asked Erica if she had any idea where Stiles was.

"He's in the on-call room. He passed out a few minutes ago."

Derek set his own cup of coffee on the counter, as well as his bag.

"Has he been here all night?"

Erica nodded, "And all day yesterday. One of his patients was having nightmares and Stiles didn't want to leave. I think he's trying to pull another 36 hour shift. We all know what happened last time."

Derek did know what happened last time. The last time, Stiles had gotten tricked into covering for a doctor who decided to take the night off. After about 34 hours, Stiles was trying to mix Red Bull and coffee and ended up causing a small seizure. He ended up passing out in the middle of the second floor hallway.

"Please try to make him go home, Derek."

As much as Stiles annoyed Derek, he knew how dedicated Stiles was to his patients. He was a doctor in pediatrics and had a connection with each and every one of his patients.

Derek nodded and grabbed the other cup of coffee. He reached the On-call room and gently pushed open the door.

Stiles lay on one of the plastic mattresses, his arms and legs splayed and some drool dripping out of his mouth.

"Hey Dr. Stilinski. I got you some coffee, but you really need to go home. Boyd will cover for you."

Stiles's eyes blinked open, trying hard for them to not shut again. His head rolled to face Derek, a little drowsy.

"Heyy Derek."

Derek kneeled down by the bed, "Hey doc. You need to get up."

"Can I tell you a secret Der Bear? You have to promise not to tell Derek though."

"Yeah man. I won't," He whispered softly.

"I think his eyes are really pretty. And I want to take him to that new Italian restaurant down the street. Maybe when he stops hating me."

Derek's eyes widen, "I don't hate you.."

"He won't call me Stiles. Even though I remind him everyday. But I think I love him anyways. But don't tell Derek please."

His eyes shut again and he proceeded to snore.

"I won't tell him, but I think he loves you too."

A/N: Hi hello. Here I am. Back at it again. Posting content that I wrote last year. I'm trying to write new stuff to publish but I'm back at school and uhhhh my free time is non-existent.

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