secret santa

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A/N: Happy Monday! This week's AU is holiday-themed so I hope you enjoy it. Happy Holidays (if you celebrate any) and Happy New Year!

Feel free to comment! I love reading them :) 

When the pack introduced the idea of playing Secret Santa for Christmas, Stiles was elated. He was a master gift-giver, as proven by the unmentionable gift he gave Scott on Christmas '09. That was until Stiles picked Derek's name from the bowl of pack names Lydia put together. Derek, by far, was going to be the hardest person to pick out a present for.

Looking at everyone in the loft, Stiles could probably figure out a gift to give each of them, even Jackson, but finding a gift for Derek was going to be absolute hell. Not once has Derek ever indicated that he wanted something. The man barely even spoke in general. When Derek grunted in response to one of Stiles's questions, Stiles considered that a successful conversation.

"Why don't you just get him a nice set of knives or something?" Scott suggested while they were playing video games in Stiles's room almost a week after the pack selected their names. Stiles was nowhere closer to choosing something for Derek than he had been when the pack first drew names, yet almost everyone else had already managed to have ideas.

Stiles snorted, "So he can kill us more easily than he already can? No, thanks."

Scott sighed and jammed his thumb on a button to kill the zombie on screen, "Then, just give him like thirty dollars and let him buy what he wants."

Stiles paused the game to turn and glare at Scott, "No! Considering that you werewolves have heightened senses, you're all pretty blind. This is the one holiday a year where the pack can actively show they appreciate Derek without him strangling them. Giving him money will just make him sad."

Scott raised an eyebrow, "I don't think I've ever seen Derek be sad. His default emotion is, like, just pure rage."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Idiot."

He unpaused the game, still bouncing ideas for a gift in the back of his brain.


Three days before the pack gift exchange, an idea sprung into Stiles's head. Stiles shot up from his seat on Lydia's floor and raced out of her room and down the stairs.

"Stiles, where the hell are you going?" Lydia shouted after him.

Stiles pulled on his coat, "I figured out the perfect gift for Secret Santa! I'll see you this weekend!"

Stiles raced out the door and to his Jeep, slowly developing his idea in his head. This was going to be the best Secret Santa gift.


On the day of the pack meeting, Stiles was more nervous than he probably should have been. His gift for Derek was wrapped neatly and sitting in his lap. He fingered at the bow, trying to find some way to calm himself down.

One by one, the pack started exchanging gifts.

Lydia was first, giving Kira a custom sheath for her katana. Kira launched from her seat on the floor to pull Lydia into a hug. When she finally let go of Lydia, she volunteered to go second, giving Isaac a small bag. Inside was an assortment of all of Isaac's favorite snacks. Isaac immediately started eating some of the Oreos and flashing his beta eyes whenever Jackson tried to reach for one.

The gift exchange continued and the loft filled with sounds of laughter, happiness, and gratitude. Stiles rarely expressed affection but he was hugging all of his friends as much as he could.

Scott gave Boyd tickets to see his favorite hockey team, which Boyd accepted with a grunt, signaling satisfaction.

Isaac gave Jackson some self-care products which were, surprisingly, well thought out. Stiles probably would have given Jackson a twenty-five dollar gift card to Target and called it a day. Stiles is a good friend.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now