lydia martin, i will fight you

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A/N: I feel like I start all of these by apologizing for the long wait. This one shot is kind of a filler before two longer one shots that I'm planning to release soon.
Make requests!

It was rare for Stiles to get to see his close friends when away at college. His friend group used college as an opportunity to get as far as they possibly could from the small town of Beacon Hills. If anything, this separation encouraged him to work harder in maintaining his connection with his high school buddies. He had a weekly FaceTime with Malia and an almost daily phone call with Scott. He even FaceTimed Jackson in London every once in a while.

But the person he ended up talking to MORE after high school was Lydia. When he first arrived at NYU, Stiles realized he was absolutely useless without his friends...until he discovered that Lydia was going to the same university and would be living in a dorm down the hall. Awesome.

Their schedules didn't really overlap, but every Saturday night, without fail, Lydia and Stiles would be sitting on Stiles's bed discussing their previous week while Stiles's roommate was out with friends.

This week, Stiles was lying face down on his pillow while Lydia sat adjacent to him in a crisscrossed position.

"He's so hot, Lydia. His muscles have muscles. AND HIS SMILE," Stiles groaned, "If possible to harness the energy of his smile, this man would be able to power all of New York City."

Lydia hummed in approval as she painted her thumbnail with a thin coat of nail polish.

"How do you know him again?"

Stiles rolled over to stare at Lydia, "He's at the library on Sunday mornings too. Ugh, he's hot AND smart."

Lydia rolled her eyes and whipped out her cellphone.

"What's his Instagram?"


Lydia's thumbs raced across her screen and she quickly scanned Derek's profile.

"You picked a good one."

Stiles groaned, "He's out of my league! He's totally out of my league!"

Lydia closed the nail polish bottle, "Yes, and?"

Stiles sat up and glared at his best friend, "You're supposed to say that he's not and give me emotional support."

Lydia shrugged. She was just saying it how it was. Stiles rolled back over so that his face was pressed into his pillow. He was never good with crushes, partially because he could never confront them, and because he typically fell for people who were way out of his league. Like Lydia, for example.

"I'll just wait it out and if I avoid Derek for like, the next three months or so, I'll get over it. It's fine," Stiles whined into his pillow.

Lydia hates seeing her friend like this. Out of all of their friends from Beacon Hills, Stiles deserved more credit and appreciation than he got. She took one look at his pitiful form and caved.

"Do you have his phone number?" Lydia asked.

Stiles frowned, confused as to why Derek's phone number was necessary right now.

"Yes, but I don't see why-"

Lydia darted across the room to where Stiles's phone was plugged into the wall and used her fingerprint to unlock his phone. She opened the phone app and before Stiles could fully process what she was doing, she pressed Derek's contact to call him.

The cogs started to turn in Stiles's head.

"Lydia! No!" But by the time Stiles had grabbed the phone from Lydia's hands, Derek had already answered it.

"Hello?" Derek asked.

Stiles put it on speaker phone and stuck out his middle finger so that it was very much in Lydia's face.

"Uh hi."

'Ask him out!' Lydia mouthed.

Stiles frowned, 'I will kill you,' he mouthed back.

He cleared his throat, "Are you busy right now?"

"No. I had a lecture, but it just ended."

Stiles kicked at his physics textbook on the floor. Huh. That's where it went.


Derek laughed. Even through the phone his laugh sounded amazing, making Stiles's heart flutter.

"You could say that."

"Listen, so I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime? Like on a date? We could go to McDonalds or something."

Lydia smacked his head, causing Stiles to wince and scowl at the red head.

"Or maybe somewhere fancier. Like...I don't know. Burger King?"

Another smack.

There was a pause before Derek spoke again. For a split second, Stiles couldn't hear anything other than the thumping of his heart.
"Yeah. I would love to. McDonalds sounds good to me if you're up for it."

Stiles grinned, his heart beating rapidly, "Totally. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Can't wait to see you," Derek responded.

"You too. Bye."


Stiles pressed the red button to hang up the call. He threw his phone down and chased Lydia out of the dorm room and into the hall.


Lydia just laughed.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now