A Shitty Surprise

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Stiles's favorite (and simultaneously least favorite) part of his day, was the big performance in the evening. He had a ballet class early in the morning, followed by a six hour rehearsal, but the two hour performance at the end of the day was really the part of his day that topped the cake . Each day it was a different audience. A different vibe. There were things to fix from the night before, and other things that could possibly go wrong. And every single night, without fail, there was the unbelievable rush that came with performing. 

But on that morning, Stiles really didn't want to perform. 

Not that day. 

His boyfriend had pretty much ghosted him the week before, rarely talking to him. It made it even more difficult because Stiles was touring with his ballet company and hadn't seen Derek in almost a month. 

At six in the morning, Stiles quickly showered and pulled on his t-shirt and tights. He pulled on his ballet shoes and pulled his ballet booties on top. All of this while trying not to think about Derek.

"I'm sure he's just busy," Allison told him from the FaceTime call Stiles was having with her while he prepped a cup of coffee.  She was leaving her hotel room after pulling on her own booties. 

"He didn't even text me good morning today. Not even a fucking sun emoji. I could have dealt with a sun emoji."

Allison sighed, "Did you try texting him yourself?"

"Of course I did. I said good morning and probably sent, like, twelve sun emojis. He knows that once I start class, I won't be able to talk to him until our lunch break." 

Stiles shut the door to his own hotel room and walked down the stairs to the front lobby. 

"I don't want to break up with him, Allison," Stiles whispered into the phone. 

Allison frowned, "Then don't. You'll see him in a week when we go back home. You can talk to him about it then."

Stiles walked across the street of the final intersection before the performance space and sighed, "Okay. I'm at the stage. I'll see you in a minute." 

He hung up the FaceTime and opened the door to the stage. 

Stiles was able to quickly find Allison and he helped her (along with other dancers) pull out the bars for class.

Him and the rest of the company ran through a few stretches and basic movements before starting a couple of bar routines. They hadn't even gotten to the pliés before Stiles zoned out. He knew he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. 

After the class, Stiles downed half a bottle of water and found his place for the top of Act 1 while the others did the same. He checked his dance bag to see if Derek had said anything.


Stiles sighed and threw his phone back in the bag, along with his change of clothes. 

This particular ballet that they were performing was a story of two lovers  that had met during a war. The catch? They were fighting on opposite sides. 

Stiles had been cast as one of the leads, along with Isaac Lahey, another principal dancer in his company. 

He remembers the amount of practice that he put into his audition. The hours he spent doing multiple fouetté turns on the hard wood floors of his studio apartment back in New York. 

It must have driven Derek crazy.

When the cast list had been posted outside of the main studio, Stiles had called Derek, joyous tears streaming down his face. 

Derek was proud of Stiles. He even bought Stiles completely new gear for ballet classes. 

There was one thing that hurt Stiles more than Derek ghosting him; it was the idea that Stiles spent most of his time thinking about Derek.

Stiles tried to forget this pain and did his best to lose himself in his dancing, something that he had done ever since he was four years old. 

The rehearsal ran smoothly, other than the fact that Erica spent the last two hours complaining about the blisters that had been bothering her for the last two and a half hours of rehearsal. 

Stiles tossed a bag of ice at her and followed Isaac to the dressing room to do costumes and makeup. 

Halfway through his foundation, Stiles heard a knock at the door. He was the only one left in the dressing room, everyone else had gone to do pre-show rituals in the girls' room, leaving him to be the only one to open the door.

When he did open it, Erica was revealed along with Derek. 

"Surprise!" Erica smiled.

Stiles frowned and pulled Derek inside the room, saying a quick thanks to Erica, and shutting the door.

"What is wrong with you?" Stiles whispered angrily.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Derek said. "I wanted to see you. And your show."

Stiles let out a huff of air. "That was a shitty surprise. Don't you ever ghost me again."

Instead of replying, Derek pulled Stiles into a long hug. 

"I'm sorry."

Stiles laughed, remembering why he loved Derek in the first place.

"I love you," he said in between laughs.

Derek kissed Stiles, careful not to wrinkle his boyfriend's costume.

"I love you too, my beautiful dancer."

A/N: fun fact: I was a ballet dancer for like 12 years. please COMMENT! I really enjoyed writing this one, though I'm not sure how well it turned out.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now