No Shave November

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Stiles collapsed on his bed and groaned.

"Fuck me," he cried into his pillow.

Scott raised a single eyebrow, "Look man, we're close but not that close."

Stiles sprung up from his position on his twin bed, "Jesus Christ, no! There is no way that would EVER happen."

"I don't know if I should be relieved or offended."

Stiles shoved his best friend, "I am having a crisis because it's No Shave November."

Scott responded with a general noise of confusion.

"Derek decided to participate this year. And he's already hot, but that man with a beard? I'm going to die, Scott. I'm actually going to die." Stiles turned to face him, "By the end of this month, he's going to look like a lumberjack. But like a sexy lumberjack. And I want him to rub his face between-"

Scott immediately covered his ears, "DUDE. I do not need to hear about where you want my alpha to rub his face."

"Ok well I didn't need to hear about your 'sexy times' with Allison."

Scott rolled his eyes, "That was one time."

"One time too many, that's for sure."

Knock knock

Stiles turned to his locked window to see the brooding alpha crouching on his roof.
He ran over and immediately unlocked the window to let Derek in.

"I can hear your heartbeat from a mile away," Derek growled.

thump thump thump

"Well I apologize for my human bodily functions," Stiles said sarcastically.

Derek let out a noise of satisfaction and scratched at his scruff.

thump THUMP thump

Derek smirked and rubbed at his beard again.


Scott sniffed at the air and grimaced, "If you two are going to do something, please tell me in advance next time. This is gross."

Derek looked at Stiles, not even blinking, "Next time?"


A/N: Short, I know. Sorry. Remember to comment! I love hearing what you guys think.

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