The 5 times...

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A/N: sorry this took me so long. I've been going through a lot of personal issues but also school is just not making things easy for me. Hope this slightly longer AU makes up for it!

If you could extend any Teen Wold plot line, which one would it be and why?


The five times Stiles and Derek made it obvious they were dating, and the one time the pack actually realized.

1. For some unknown reason, Derek liked to host the pack meetings around 9:15. Stiles hated it but he knew that Derek was just trying to accommodate to everyone's insane schedules. Jackson, Kira, Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Boyd had lacrosse practice from 3 to 4:30 and then they usually had a ton of homework to do. Lydia insisted on starting after 7 so that she could get enough study time and Erica just straight up refused when Derek tried to schedule a pack meeting before 8:45.

Stiles normally doesn't mind staying up ridiculously late (especially if he was hanging out with friends) except during the school year, his sleep schedule was extremely precise. No matter how much he tried, Stiles couldn't get himself to stay awake much longer after 9:30.

During one pack meeting, the pack had decided on watching some crappy rom-com together and they were squished on Derek's couch and in various chairs that they could fine around the loft. At this point, Stiles and Derek had been dating for a month, and between the choices of using Derek's shoulder or Jackson's shoulder to sleep on, Stiles went with Derek.

Stiles rolled his head to the side, struggling to keep his eyes open. His cheek pressed against Derek's shoulder and he snuggled closer into Derek who had already begun to moved his arm and used it to pull Stiles into his chest instead. (Stiles would never protest to this and instead just snuggled into Derek's chest and took a deep breath)

Jackson took a single glance at the two and snorted before rolling his eyes, "It's not even ten and Stilinski is already out."

2. One side effect of being an Alpha (as Stiles has noticed) was that Derek was extremely protective of his pack - overprotective one might say.
This bled into many areas of the pack's life. For example, Derek wouldn't let the pack walk around without him after 9 pm. Hell, he wouldn't even let Isaac use the stove unattended.

Isaac texted Derek, telling him that the pack would be walking to Derek's loft after a late night lacrosse game.

In less than ten minutes, Derek's black SUV came speeding around the corner. Jackson opened the front passenger door before Derek growled, causing him to let go and climb into the back seat along with the others.

Stiles grinned and clambered into the passenger seat and smacking a gross, slobbery kiss on Derek's cheek.

"Aw Sourwolf, you saved my seat for me."

Derek's cheeks flustered red and he grumbled for Stiles to buckle his seatbelt.

Kira groaned and squirmed in her seat between Boyd and Scott.

"Can you please just drive? I don't know what's up with you werewolves, but all of you smell nasty."

3. The pack had decided to host a sleepover at Stiles's house, much to the Sheriff's dismay. Stiles and Derek took Stiles's bed. Jackson, Scott, Kira, and Erica fought over the pullout in the living room while Isaac and Boyd settled on the floor and Lydia made it absolutely clear that no one other than her would take the guest room.

It took almost a two weeks of constant badgering to convince Stiles to host and even participate in the sleep over. Unknown to everyone except himself, his dad, and Derek, Stiles was suffering from extreme PTSD from the results of the Nemeton and from the Nogitsune.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now