Ladybug (pt.2)

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A/N: So a little context before you read this one-shot. I spent about an hour writing over 1500 words before all of the text suddenly disappeared. Most of the text you are about to read is a rewrite of what I had written before. I'm not totally happy with how it turned out, as I believe the previous draft to be better, however, I could not recover the writing. I hope you still enjoy it anyway.

Don't forget to comment!

Stiles woke up to Katie's cries. Normally Marissa was the one to take care of her in the morning, but after listening to Katie cry for a minute with no intervention, Stiles sat up and noticed Marissa was no longer in the bed.

He rubbed his eyes and walked to Katie's room and, after calming her down, searched for a note in the kitchen that would explain his wife's whereabouts. Nothing.

Stiles bounced his one-year-old daughter in the crook of his arm and unplugged his phone to dial his wife's number.

"Hey, Marissa," He said after being met with the voicemail, "I know we fought yesterday, and I'm sorry. I should have skipped my class to watch Katie, I knew you were planning that dinner for a while." his voice broke, "Just tell me where you are. Please. I need you. Katie needs you."

Tears started to roll down Stiles's cheeks, causing Katie to cry as well.

"No, no. Please don't cry. I'm sorry for crying, ok? If you stop, I'll stop."

Katie didn't stop crying.

The two sat on the floor sobbing for what felt like hours before Stiles came to terms with the fact that Marissa was probably never coming back.

And it was probably Stiles's fault.


Stiles has always had anxiety, but when it came to his ex-wife, his anxiety always spiked. Even from the first time they met, the admiration that they once had for one another must have been a fluke because each time they'd interacted since then, they'd butt heads.

"Marissa, I flew out to California so you could see Katie. That was our agreement."

Marissa rebutted with a few more excuses on the phone and Stiles ran his hand through his hair while pacing back and forth. Unbelievable.

Katie didn't like seeing her parents fight. She's witnessed too many of these phone calls and they all ended with her dad angrily hanging up the phone and muttering a few swears before retreating to his room. He would return to the room a few moments later, acting as if nothing had happened.

This time was different. Stiles was on the verge of screaming at Marissa who had just announced she was going on a road trip with some friends and "would have to hang out with her daughter another time."

Stiles covered the speaker of the phone before turning to Katie who was sitting and watching cartoons on the couch, still in touch with the conversation.

"Katherine, sweetheart, can you please cover your ears and go find Pop-pop please?"

Katie nodded and leaped off the couch. Her dad never called her by her full name unless he was mad. She covered her ears with her tiny hands and ran as fast as she could up the stairs with her tiny legs.

"Marissa- I don't fucking care about your 'spa day with the girls'. I pulled Katie out of her school and moved across the country so you could spend more time with her. She's your daughter too, for Christ's sake."

The Sheriff came gently down the stairs holding Katie in his arms. Her head was buried in his shoulder.

"Stiles," he whispered, "Stiles!"

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