Blame the Fairies

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If he had to blame this on someone, Stiles would say that he had to blame the dumbass fairies. Or Scott. Or Lydia. Or Dr. Deaton. Or Derek. Definitely Derek.

The pack was in the forest as part of a training exercise. They split off into pairs but before Stiles could grab Scott he discovered Allison had already claimed him as her partner, leaving Stiles with Derek. Derek made it clear that he didn't want to talk to Stiles when he stuffed his hands in his pockets and stalked away.
Stiles followed after him, feeling his heart break a little. Due to the countless days that the pack spent together, Stiles had somehow managed to develop a tiny crush on the alpha. He was trying to trample it, but ending up alone with alone with Derek in the forest definitely was helping.

As Stiles trailed after Derek, a bunch of small, flying creatures jumped out from the trees.

"Derek!" Stiles screamed.

The wolf spun around, eyes red and ready to attack the buzzing creatures. Before he had the chance to leap at them, they stopped flooding Stiles's vision. They moved into a large group to the side, giving the males a chance to figure out what they were: fairies.

"What the fuck there are fairies now?!" Stiles exclaimed.

Derek's eyebrows furrowed, annoyed, "We try not to get anywhere near them. They're known for causing trouble."

The fairies made a weird buzzing noise. It almost sounded like laughter. One of them flew out of the group directly between Stiles and Derek.

"We wanted to play a few jokes but we have planned something that is much more fun. It will most likely solve your affection problem."

Stiles turned away, feeling his cheeks heat up. How did they know?

"The lanky one understands," remarked the same fairy.

Derek growled.

The fairies laughed again and flew away, Stiles feeling a chill run up and down his spine. It didn't seem like the fairies had done anything.

"I guess it's time to head back," Stiles said, "the others are probably looking for us.

He turned away from Derek who was still standing there, sniffing to see if he could smell the hidden T-shirt that they were supposed to be looking for in the first place.

Once Stiles had gotten about 5 or 6 yards away, a sharp pain shot through his head. He grabbed his head with his hands and fell to the ground. He noticed that Derek was doing something similar.

Stiles ran back to Derek and instantly felt the pain subside.

"What did those fairies do to us?" He asked as he tried to catch his breath.


"It's called a linking spell," Lydia told them once they explained the situation to her.

"A what now?" Stiles asked. The title was pretty much self explanatory but he couldn't believe that he was linked to Derek.

"Basically you and Derek can't go farther than 5 yards from each other or you'll be in a ton of pain. It's not really used anymore but I guess the fairies thought it would be funny or something."

Stiles groaned and fell back on the couch that was in the middle of the loft.

"How long is this gonna last?" He asked.

Lydia shrugged, causing Derek to groan as well.

"Who knows. Depends on the conditions that the fairies put in place. Sometimes it's to get the two people to resolve a conflict. Sometimes it's a joke and only lasts a few days. It really depends."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now