Hospital Sterek - Part 2

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A/N: y'all just let me know when ur tired of me updating. also i have no idea why I use y'all so much I'm not even from the south but ok. ALSO I wrote this so long ago so I APOLOGIZE for the ensuing shit that you're about to read.


First Hour
Stiles skipped excitedly into Beacon Hills Hospital with two cups of coffee, as always.

He frowned upon arriving to the nurses' station after seeing that Derek wasn't there.

"Hey Isaac!"

The curly haired man turned around from his space at the computer.

"Where's Derek?"

Isaac shrugged, "Out with Whittmore, grabbing coffee."

Stiles slid the cup of coffee on the counter.

"That little shit. He knows I bring him coffee everyday."

Erica reaches to go grab the cup from the counter before Stiles slaps her hand away.

"Is your name Der Bear? I think not."

As if he had heard his name, Derek walked into the hospital, already dressed in his scrubs.

Stiles grabbed the cup of coffee and brushed past Derek. Derek looked at Erica with confusion. Stiles hadn't tried to bombard him with the usual cup of coffee or question for a date.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know. Ask your new boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Hour Three

Stiles had drank both cups of coffee and now desperately had to go pee. He needed someone to cover for him for five minutes just in case something were to happen. He went to call for Derek but remembered that he was still mad at him.

"Hey Lahey? Cover for me? I have to go to the restroom."

Isaac nodded and went to check on one of Stiles's patients while Derek sat, slightly confused.

Hour Five

Stiles double checked to make sure that all of his patients were in stable condition before running down to the cafeteria to get a salad and some water.

He waved to Dr. Whittmore and ignored the look that Derek was giving him. He scarfed down the salad before Jackson walked over to him.

"Hey Stilinski, Hale wants to know why you're ignoring him."

"He's usually telling me to stop bothering him so I don't see what the problem is." He threw the empty plastic container into the recycling bin before trying to leave the cafeteria.

"Hey Stiles! It's mine and Lydia's anniversary today and I promised to take her out tonight but she's working the night shift. Can you cover for her? I'll do your patient release paperwork for a week."

Stiles had a crush on Lydia at one point and always had a soft spot for her, despite the fact that the crush was never reciprocated.

"Yeah man. Sure."

Jackson smiled and clapped Stiles on the shoulder.

"Thanks dude."

Hour Eight

"Dude, I'm headed out," Jackson called to Stiles.

Stiles grabbed the styrofoam cup of coffee from the machine and downed it like a shot. It was impossible to drink slowly.

"Yeah dude. Have a good time with Lydia!"

Hour Twelve

"God has abandoned me!" Stiles cries before dropping his head on the table.

Dr. Scott McCall, Stiles's best friend, began to laugh. He had just clocked in as part of the night shift.

"Why did you even say yes to this, dude? I'm pretty sure working 36 hours is illegal man."

"Because it's Lydia! Also Jackson is doing my patient release paperwork so..."

Scott rolled his eyes and handed Stiles a Red Bull.

"We don't drink coffee on night shift. Red Bull is the way to go."

Stiles popped open the can and drank half of it in one sip.

"Woo! Ok I'm awake."

Hour Sixteen

Stiles was running up and down the hallway, trying to keep his brain from shutting down.

"Dude what are you doing?" Scott asked.

"Trying- to- not- fall- asleep." Stiles shouted, taking deep breaths between words.

"Want a Red Bull?"

Hour Twenty-One

"Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott McCall."

Scott looked toward Stiles with a glare.


"Would I die if I used Red Bull instead of water to make coffee?"

"I don't know. I don't think you should try it though."

Stiles grabbed a case of Red Bull from behind the counter.

"But it's for science."

"Stiles. You are a doctor. This is dumb."

Hour Twenty- Four

Scott had clocked out which meant that Stiles was free to experiment on his own.

He brewed the coffee and took a long sip.
Yup that tasted like trash...Better keep drinking it.

Luckily, it gave him a huge burst of energy.

Derek and Erica walked in, followed by Isaac and Boyd.

"Stiles, are you okay?" Erica asked.

"Uhh yeah. I've got my coffee so I'm good."

Derek frowned, "You never drink hospital coffee."

Stiles laughed and drank some more, "I've been here for 24 hours Derek. I can't taste anything anymore."

Erica dropped her bad ass facade and began to check Stiles all over.

"Stiles you need to go home and get some sleep."

"I'm fine, mom."

Hour Thirty

Stiles blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to focus on what Isaac was saying.

"Dude. Dude. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah I had some coffee earlier. I'm fine."

"Stiles that's not what I-"

Hour Thirty Two

Stiles had chugged down a over a gallon and a half of coffee in the past 32 hours. Half of that was mixed with Red Bull.

He moved down the second floor, dragging his feet as he went.

Suddenly, he felt a slight pressure in his head and he fell to the floor. The last thing he remembers seeing was Derek sprinting towards him.


Stiles woke up in his own bed, wondering how he got there.

"You scared me Stilinski," Derek breathed.

"I wanted you in my bed but not like this Der Bear."

"Stiles you could have died. Don't ever do that again."

"Aww you love me Hale."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now