The Problem With Drinking...Is The Drinking

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A/N: This one is a bit shorter, but let me know what you think. More AUs will come soon. 

Stiles's arrival in rehab was long-awaited. He, and everyone around him, knew that he had an alcohol problem. At first, he joked that it was hereditary, as his dad had gone through a similar issue after his mom's death, however, no one ever found it to be a funny joke. Especially since Stiles would binge drink recreationally, and eventually because he felt like he had to.

He sat in the circle of others like him, staring at their intrigued faces.

"Well, we all know how this goes. My name is Stiles. I'm an alcoholic."


Stiles wasn't a fan of alcohol. Not at first anyway. Sure, he thought it was cool, but every time he drank it was always one or two shots before he was sick of it.

But then he started performing.

It was originally a fluke. He and Scott had recorded a demo (him singing and Scott playing the guitar) and then they had sent it off to a record label as a part of a contest. After months had passed without any word, the two of them just forgot about it, and an executive from the label arrived at Stiles's house asking to see him and discuss a potential contract.

Soon he was dropping out of college and recording an album.

After a few promotional gigs, Stiles couldn't leave the house without being swarmed with girls and it was great. Girls and booze. What could be better?


Stiles kissed the girl with no clue of what her name was. He ran one hand through her hair and the other under her shirt while the other two girls ran their hands down his torso, but after a few seconds, Stiles pushed her off of him.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "Nothing! I feel nothing!" He called for one of his assistants in the hallway, "Someone get these girls out of here!"

Isaac, his manager, stood in the corner with a disgusted look on his face. He took a large step away from the door to allow the three half-naked girls to leave the room.

"Maybe take a break from the girls?" Isaac suggested, "And focus on the writing."

Stiles rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair. He grabbed a robe from the corner and wrapped it around himself before grabbing the bottle of whiskey from the nightstand. Stiles took a swig and grimaced as the liquid rolled down his throat.

Isaac took a few steps forward and motioned to take the bottle away, though Stiles managed to quickly turn away.

"Stiles, it's ten in the morning."

Stiles took another swig just to piss Isaac off and sent him a glare.

"And get dressed. Your new bodyguard, Derek Hale, is downstairs."

Stiles cradled the bottle, as if it were his child, and dropped back into the chair.

"Just send him up."


Stiles sat on the floor of his bedroom next to Derek, his bodyguard, or sourwolf, as Stiles affectionately called him.

"Why are you so upset?" Derek asked him, "I don't know if you realize but you just played all of Madison Square Gardens. That's huge! You're going to change the world, Stiles. Make it better. You have access to the entire universe at your fingertips. And it's incredible."

Stiles leans in and kisses Derek who is strange and exciting. Mysterious even. He couldn't resist.

Derek tries to protest but gives in. Stiles pulls him off of the floor and to his bed. He grabs at Derek's shirt like it's the last thing he'll be ever to do. Stiles fell backward onto the bed and Derek fell on top of them. Stiles laughed and latches himself onto Derek's neck.

"This," Derek said heavily and in between kisses, "is so unprofessional."

Stiles hushed him and unbuckled the belt to Derek's jeans.

The experience itself was enthralling, nothing Stiles could have ever imagined. His heart raced and his body tensed, both in the best way.

Afterward, Stiles laid on Derek's chest, closing his eyes and listening to his heartbeat, allowing it to coax him to sleep.


"Where the fuck have you been?" Isaac called as Stiles entered the arena, Derke close behind.

"I was...busy," Stiles said, smirking. He glanced back at Derek who was turning very red. He accepted a glass of alcohol from one of his assistants and grimaced at the taste.

And while Isaac and Derek handle the logistics of the night (how will he get to stage B without being mobbed, which exit they plan on using after the show, what route Stiles will be taking home, etc.) Stiles nursed a bottle of wine he found sitting on his vanity.

Isaac noticed this and grabbed it, "What are you doing?!"

Stiles growled and spit in Isaac's face before grabbing the bottle again, "I'm doing what I want. I pay you. You don't pay me. So back the fuck off."


"You've got to grow up Stiles," Derek said.

Stiles huffed and slurped the drink given to him by his PA while pushing the guy who was kissing his thigh away from him. The man stood up from the ground and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before smirking at Derek and rushing out of the room.

"For fuck's sake! You have absolutely no self-control and it's unbearable."

Stiles rolled his eyes and looked out the window, "I can behave however I want to," he starts, "Drive whatever I want and sleep with whomever I want. You included Mr. Hale. You're under MY control." he spat. 

Derek fumed, "One day, you are going to wake up and everything you love will be gone, and it would have been because you destroyed it. No one will ever love you like this. You won't let them."

Stiles stood up from his seat, wavering for a second, before brushing past Derek and to the backstage area, "Fuck you and everyone else who tries to argue with me."

He stumbled on stage to the roars of thousands, his mood changing like someone had flipped a switch.

Stiles grabbed the mic, "Hello LA!" he yelled into the mic "Or New York, or maybe London?"

He turns around and shouts to the drummer, "Where the fuck are we?" before shrugging and deciding that he actually doesn't care, after all, why should he?


Stiles downed a glass of whiskey, ignoring the pounding in his chest and dragged himself to the edge of the stairs before falling down them. He tried to stick out his arms to protect himself but the seizing in his chest prevented it.

Staff ran into the room after hearing the noise, calling for Isaac and Derek.

Derek came running down the hallway, dropped to the floor, and used his phone to dial for an ambulance, "Jesus fuck, Stiles."

Stiles groaned and tried to swat Derek's hand away, "Just let me fucking die. As you said, no one would ever love me like this."

Derek rocked Stiles back and forth, occasionally yelling at him to stay awake.

"If you die, I'll bring you back and kill you myself."


"There's always going to be better than me," Stiles told the rehab leader, "I'm going to be stuck like this: some self-righteous asshole who doesn't know when it's time to stop behaving like a dick. Sometimes I just think the world would be better off without me."

Thinking of Derek, he turned to the group, "Everyone would be better off without me." 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now