I Just Want to Graduate

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A/N: I actually kind of love this one even though it's my way of procrastinating studying for an exam.

Stiles stood nervously in line, waiting for his name to be called to receive his diploma. He had finally finished college. He could see his entire friend group (which his dad jokingly called "a pack") in the audience, giddy. Even though Derek was currently deployed and wouldn't be able to come, he promised to call Stiles later that night.

"M- I'm not even going to try. Stiles Stilinski!"

Stiles' dad and friends immediately leapt from their seats and began to cheer. Stiles wanted to turn red in embarrassment, but he had honestly stopped caring at this point. He could distinctly hear Scott's shouts amidst the others.

He walked up to the stage, grinning. His heart was beating at what felt like one hundred miles per hour. Four painful years of blood, sweat, and tears were finally over.

Stiles shook hands with one of his professors and moved to the head of the school who was holding his diploma in his outstretched hand. Stiles reached out to grab the diploma and stuck out his other hand to shake that of the professor.
Instead of handing Stiles the diploma, the professor pulled back his hand. Stiles frowned. He hadn't done that to anyone else.

"We actually have a special guest who would like to present you with your diploma."

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What special guest? He looked towards his friends and family, hoping to see if they knew anything, but they all stood there giggling silently. Traitors.

He heard gasps and squeals from the audience. Even the occasional "aw."

"What is going on?! I just want to graduate. Is that too much to ask?"

The professor smiled and tilted his head to the left, as if telling Stiles to turn around. Stiles whipped his body around, trying to get a good look at what as preventing him from leaving the stage with his college degree.

About three yards away stood Derek in his military uniform, grinning.

"You jackass!" Stiles screamed.

Derek laughed and opened his arms. Stiles ran towards him, trying his best not to trip over the white graduation gown.
He jumped into his boyfriend's arms and let his legs hook around Derek's hips. He held Derek as tightly as he could, willing time to slow down. Nine months without seeing him was too much.

"You told me you weren't going to be back for another 2 weeks," Stiles cried into the crook of Derek's neck. He took a deep breath, trying to memorize Derek's scent in fear that he would disappear again.

Stiles could feel Derek's smile pressed against his shoulder, "I lied."

Eventually Derek had to set Stiles back down and he guided him back over to where the professor was standing. Derek took the diploma from the professor's hand and turned to face Stiles who had tears of joy streaming down his face. He handed the diploma to Stiles and shook his hand.

"You did it," Derek whispered.

The two walked off the stage side by side.
(Stiles may or may not have stuck his left hand in Derek's back pocket)


Despite all of Stiles' pleas, Derek would not let Stiles convince him to skip the rest of the ceremony and make out in his jeep instead.

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