one night stand or kindergarten teacher

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Stiles was dumb. Stiles was very dumb.

Last night he had decided to go out with some friends for a quick drink and some food, but here he was, hungover on a Monday morning, in some random guy's bed. 

His alarm went off at 7, as it always did during the school year, and he skyrocketed out of the bed. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit."

Stiles jumped out of the bed, careful not to disturb the other man in it. He searched around the barely lit room to find his clothes from the night before and threw them on. 

At that point, his date from the night before began to stir.

"Where are you going?" the voice mumbled.

Shivers ran up Stiles's spine as he pulled on his shoes. "I have somewhere to be at eight. I didn't realize what time it was."

The other man sat up immediately and looked at the clock. His reaction was almost identical to Stiles's. 


He jumped out of bed and jogged to the bathroom, "I don't mean to kick you out, but today is my first day and I can't be late to work." 

Stiles ran his hand through his hair and allowed his eyes to rake down the man's body. 

"Yeah of course...."


Stiles paused and repeated the name, letting it roll off the tongue. He grabbed the last of his things and wrote down his phone number on a notepad by the door to the loft. 

"If you ever want to do this again, call me."

Derek crossed over and took the notepad from Stiles's hand. He let his hand graze a hickey on Stiles's collarbone that he gave him the night before, causing Stiles to shiver.

"Stiles," he said, reading off of the sticky note.

Stiles nodded, "I'll see you around." 

He opened the door and left the loft. He ran down the stairs and into the parking lot. He assessed his location, realized his jeep was parked in front of the building and ran to his car. He drove to his dad's house who, when Stiles arrived, was already standing on the front porch, tapping his foot. 

"Would you like to explain to me where you were last night?"

Stiles's faced reddened, "I'm twenty-three, Dad. Not seventeen." 

The Sheriff rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders. 

"Well, your daughter starts kindergarten today. And as her father, you kind of have to be there."

Stiles groaned, "I know, I don't know what I was thinking."

"She's ready to go. I packed her backpack and made her lunch. All you have to do is drive her there."

Stiles hugged his Dad and opened the door to the house, "Nora! Let's put your shoes on, Bub!"

The five-year-old came clambering down the stairs and into Stiles's arms. 

"Daddy! Where were you this morning?"

Stiles blushed for what must have been the seventh time that morning. "Daddy was visiting a friend, but then it got too late so I had a sleepover. But now it's time to go to school so put on your shoes and get to the car, kiddo."

Nora ran to the shoe mat and grabbed her sneakers. Stiles helped her put them on waited as she insisted on grabbing her carrying her backpack by herself to the car.

The drive itself was less than ten minutes, but getting Nora to calm down and get out of the car took another five minutes. 

Eventually, Stiles managed to calm her down and took her hand so the two of them could walk to her classroom.

When they made it to the classroom, Stiles opened the door and searched around the room for the teacher. Nora moved behind him and held onto his leg. Stiles had turned around to console his daughter who had started to cry again when the teacher approached.

"Hi! I'm Derek Hale and I'll be your daughter's kindergarten teacher this year."

Stiles turned around only to face his one night stand from the night before. 

Stiles leaned down and covered his daughter's ears with his palms. She giggled and clapped her tiny hands on top of his. 

"Dude, what the fuck? You can't be my kid's teacher."

Derek looked as equally surprised as he was.

"I-uh," He looked down at the startled (and somewhat scared) five-year-old. He bent down to her level and carefully removed Stiles's hands from her ears, "Do you want to go pick out a cubby? It will be a special place for your backpack all year long. And you can even go decorate your name tag."

Nora nodded and wiped a stray tear from her face.

"Why don't you go over to our other friends and choose a cubby, okay?"

Nora nodded and walked over to the group of five-year-olds who were decorating their name tags with markers and glitter. 

"Whatever happened last night, we forget about it. Capiche? As of right now, you're just Nora's teacher."

Derek nodded, "I get it." 

Stiles raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips, "Do you?" 

Derek raised his arms in defense. This was going to be a long year. 

"Yeah. I do." 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now