brainwashed nincompoops

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Classes start up again soon so I'm not sure if I'll be able to continue updating every single Monday but I will try my best!!

I hope you are all safe and healthy!

Stiles hated Derek Hale.

Well, he hated jocks, and so he hated Derek by association.

Stiles avoided that whole crowd at all costs and wore the badge of "nerd" proudly on his chest.

In fact, Stiles was essentially the king of the nerd kingdom.

Okay, technically the kingdom was only made up of him and his best buddy, Scott, but that was beside the point.

At least, that was until a fateful day in the winter of their junior year when Scott made the first line of the lacrosse team. When he wasn't a starter, no one really cared. People barely even acknowledged that he played lacrosse. But ever since he made first line, suddenly everyone wanted to be his friend.

He'd even been invited several times to have lunch with some of the other lacrosse players and their friends, which Scott respectfully declined when seeing the look of disgust on Stiles's face.



Scott sighed, "I actually want the team to like me, and some of them are actually really nice! You'd like Isaac, and maybe even Derek-"

Stiles interrupted with a shake of his head, "You're being brainwashed, Scotty."

Scott rolled his eyes, "Just have lunch with us. Please."

Stiles examined Scott's face. As much as he hated the lacrosse players, he loved Scott.

"Fine. But I can't promise I'll like them."

Scott nodded excitedly before hurrying away, "Yeah, okay. I'm gonna go tell Isaac right now."


The first time Stiles had lunch with the lacrosse team, he thought he was going to lose it; it being his sanity and will to live.

For one, they were obnoxiously loud. Jackson was constantly making inappropriate jokes while his boyfriend, Ethan, made equally gross comments in response.

And even those who weren't obnoxiously loud got on Stiles's nerves. Isaac was on a whole other level of snarky and Derek, Derek was just an asshole.

While Scott threw himself into a conversation with his new lacrosse friends, Stiles buried himself in his AP literature homework. He'd rather suffer through Shakespeare than talk to these bumbleheads.

"Do you need something?" Stiles asked without looking up from his paper. He could feel Derek Hale glaring a hole in the top of his head.

"I just don't get why you're here."

Stiles slammed his pencil on his paper, "Well, if you haven't noticed, my best friend Scott is on first line."

Derek shrugged, unbothered by Stiles's outburst, "I know. We've been trying to get him to have lunch with us for weeks. I'm just surprised you caved."

Stiles scowled, "Believe me, I want to be here less than you want me to be here." He reached out and gently shoved Derek's lunch tray so that Derek would be forced to move over.

"Jerk," Derek called out while scooting over on the bench of the lunch table.

"Bitch," Stiles responded instinctively.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now