we protect each other

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A/N: Here's something short and sweet that I wrote a while ago. I hope you're all doing well and staying safe and healthy!

"You deserve better," Derek whispered.

Stiles ignored the sound of his heart breaking to turn and snap at him, "I deserve better? YOU deserve better. Do you think that it's a coincidence that every woman you've dated after Kate has become insane? It's not because you attract those kinds of people, believe it or not. It's because that's what you think you deserve. But you don't. You deserve better."

"Stiles-" Derek interrupted.

Stiles jabs a finger into Derek's chest, "No. Listen to me. You deserve so much more than that. You deserve someone who wants to love you and protect you."

Of all of the things Stiles has said and done, that single phrase is what angers Derek. His eyes flash red as he tightens his hands into fists, "I don't want you to protect me. I need to protect you. And the pack. I'm the alpha. It's my job."

"Then who has your back?" Stiles asks. "Answer me. Who is going to keep your ass from being killed?"

Derek stood, huffing, but silent enough for Stiles to know that he didn't have a response.

"When you were paralyzed and under attack by a kanima, who held you up in a pool for two hours?"

"You," Derek answered, like it pained him.

"That's right. And who was willing to cut your arm off after Kate Argent, go figure, shot you with a wolfsbane bullet?"

Derek blew air through his nose, "You."

"And WHO drove all the way down to Mexico to save your teenage ass?"

"You," Derek answered for the final time.

Stiles shoved Derek's shoulder as hard as he could, knowing that Derek could handle it. "That's right. I'm the one protecting you. I'm the one making sure you don't end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Because I care about you and THAT'S what you fucking deserve. Do you understand me?"

Stiles took a moment to catch his breath and release some of his anger. "I said, do you understand me?"

Derek nodded and Stiles relaxed, "The point of being a pack is that we'll all protect each other. I don't want you to leave this room thinking that you can go and put yourself in danger just because you think we don't love you, dude. Because we do. I do."

Stiles watched as emotions churned on Derek's face. He could almost feel the snapping of something inside of Derek's chest, "I can't lose you."

In the years and years that Stiles had known Derek, Derek almost never let anyone see the side of him that displayed emotion other than anger and frustration. He kept himself so locked away that Stiles feared that that side of him would disappear one day and he'd never see him again.

"You're not going to lose me," Stiles whispered.

Stiles tried to ignore the tears that Derek hastily blinked away, "I lose everyone. My family, Erica, Boyd... I can't lose you too."

"You're not going to lose me," Stiles repeated.

"And how do you know that?" Derek pressed.

Stiles exploded, aggravated, "Because I love you!"

"Well, I love you too!" Derek retaliated.



They paused and the only sound that could be heard was the staggered breathing of the pair.

"I'm going to kiss you now," Derek decided, breaking the silence.



"You do that," Stiles commented.

"I will," Derek agreed.

Derek pushed forward and pulled Stiles into a kiss. Stiles melted and snaked his arms around Derek's neck. They didn't have too much of a height difference, but Stiles couldn't help but love the way the width of Derek's shoulders covered his. He felt protected.

"We'll protect each other. Okay?" Stiles whispered into Derek's chest.

Derek buried his head into the crook of Stiles's neck with no response, but Stiles smiled, knowing he'd won. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now