I Thought You Liked...OH

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A/N: I don't know how to feel about this one. let me know what you think! I hope all of you guys are safe during this hectic time.

Derek hated Stiles with every fiber of his being. And Stiles had no idea why until Derek stormed away while he was flirting (jokingly) with Lydia Martin.

"Derek has a crush on Lydia," Stiles confessed while playing video games with Scott one evening.

Scott's eyebrows furrowed but he didn't divert his attention from the TV screen.

"How'd you know?" He asked while jamming the buttons on the controller. 

Stiles pressed pause on the game. Scott sighed somewhat angrily but still turned to face his friend. He wasn't actually mad but they were so close to finishing the level.

"Because he's hated me since the first day we met and yesterday at Jackson's party he stormed off when I was talking to Lydia. It makes perfect sense that he likes Lydia."

Scott placed his controller next to him on the floor before trying to knock some sense into his friend.

"I've only ever seen him talk to Lydia, like, twice. I don't think he has a crush on her." 

Stiles groaned, "Every time I talk to Lydia he gets more pissed off than usual and then gets more aggressive. I already hate arguing with him." 

There was a moment before Scott responded, yet his response was in the form of laughter.

Stiles's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He didn't usually tell Scott how he was feeling, and Scott's laughter wasn't helping. 

Scott picked up the controller while Stiles sunk farther into the bean bag. 

"Don't worry about it," Scott said while pressing play on the game. 


"Trust me. Don't worry about it."

The next time Derek and Stiles were at the same party, Stiles tried his best to stay away, but their mutual friend (Erica) pulled Stiles into the conversation she was having with Derek.

"Hey, Babe!" Erica called from across the room. 

Stiles winced before turning around to face the blonde. 

"Hi, Erica! How are you?"

Derek frowned. 

Erica gasped. "You know Derek, right?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. He did not feel like dealing with the killjoy. 

"We've met on a few occasions."

Stiles spotted a familiar redhead from the corner of his eye and called out to her in an attempt to escape the conversation. 

Derek's frown deepened. 

Erica saw this and maneuvered around Stiles.

"I forgot that I need to talk to Lydia about a history project that we're doing together. You guys can talk for five minutes without ripping each other's heads off, right?" 

It only took a slight nod of Stiles's head before Erica was bounding through the crowd of people.

"So are you enjoying the party?"

Derek didn't respond. The asshole.

"Hey, dick-for-brains. I'm talking to you."

That got Derek's attention...and an increase in Stiles's fear.

"What do you want?"

Stiles glared, "Well I asked you a question."

Derek stepped closer and clenched his fists, "You don't even want to be talking to me. We both know you hate me. Let's just pretend to tolerate one another until Erica comes back. Okay?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. Every time he talked to Derek, his heart raced and his frustration increased. 

"Just go and talk to Lydia," Stiles growled, "I know you have a crush on her and you're just pissing me off right now."

Almost like a wave, the tension flowed from Derek's body. His fists unclenched and the creases between his eyebrows eased a little.

"I don't have a crush on Lydia."

Smoked fumed from Stiles's ears. How was it possible that he was getting even angrier?

"Yeah, you do. You get so angry every time I talk to her and you storm off like a toddler."

Derek's face reddened, almost like he was embarrassed by what Stiles was saying.

"I don't have a crush on her. You do."

Stiles blinked. He blinked again several times to see if what Derek just said would register. It didn't.


"You like Lydia Martin."

"I'm gay! Lydia's beautiful but she's my friend. I flirt with most of my friends AS A JOKE. If you don't like Lydia, why do you get so upset every time I talk to her?"

A reddish tint formed on the tips of Derek's ears.

"Because I thought you liked her."

Stiles waved his hands in front of his face, "But that doesn't make sense. You get so upset when Lydia and I talk to each other. But if you don't like her and we just established that I don't like her, that means- oh."

Derek looked at his feet. Suddenly the ball of fuzz on the floor was really interesting.

"OH!" Stiles proclaimed while running his hands through his hair. "You like ME."

Derek tried to brush past Stiles and find Erica. He couldn't deal with this embarrassment any longer. 

Stiles reached out and grabbed Derek's wrist and pulled him back towards him so that they were facing each other. 

It was only a few seconds, yet it felt like an eternity before Stiles leaned in and planted a kiss on Derek's lips.

Derek's eyes fluttered shut and he placed his hands on Stiles's hips. 

"We could have been doing this for ages," He whispered against Stiles's lips.

Stiles hummed in agreement and allowed his hands to explore Derek's hair. 

When Derek's hands started to roam down to Stiles's butt, Stiles pulled away. 

"My dad's not home."

Derek immediately grabbed Stiles's wrist and pulled him towards the front door, passing Erica on the way.

"You're welcome!" She called out as they pushed through the crowd.

At that point, neither of them could bother to be angry.

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