no woman

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This AU was "somewhat" requested by @AgniLove22 I modified your request a bit, I hope you don't mind. The previous AU will not have a part 2, as it is based on a true story so I honestly don't know how the events play out. 

I started classes again and I'm a bit overwhelmed so idk how often updates will be happening, but I hope you are all safe and doing well :)

Stiles's love for Derek overshone the love that most others shared. Stiles loved the way Derek's smile beamed when he was around his family, the way his eyes sparkled when Stiles told a crappy joke, and the soft tone of Derek's voice when he talked to his younger sister. But that wasn't even breaking the surface. Stiles loved everything about Derek...and more.

On this particular sunny Tuesday afternoon, Stiles and Derek lay side by side in the fields by the Stilinski castle. This is how they usually spent their time. It was the best place to avoid being seen. A place where they could be together and completely themselves.

Despite being a prince himself, Derek spent more than half of his time in the Stilinski kingdom to see Stiles. It helped that his older sister, Laura, handled most of the royal responsibilities. Derek tried to help when he could, but Laura preferred that he stayed away ("Derek, if you move my quills around one more time, I will shove one right between your eyebrows"). They roamed the halls together, carefully avoiding the staff, and ruined their clothes by running in the fields. Derek often witnessed Stiles being scolded by the servants who had to wash his muddy clothes.

These were things the entire Hale and Stilinski kingdoms were aware of.

What they were not aware of were the loving glances Stiles gave to Derek while no one was watching. They weren't aware of the times Derek pulled Stiles behind the tapestry to press a chaste kiss to his lips. And when they heard the footsteps of someone in the castle staff, Stiles and Derek would hastily step a few feet away from each other and release the grip they had on each other's hand.

Unfortunately for the pair, gay relationships were not exactly the most accepted in either of the two kingdoms. And even though they hadn't officially declared their relationship as a romantic one, Stiles safely assumed so after the secretly shared kisses underneath the stairs before Derek took a carriage home. It pained Stiles to see the sadness that pooled in Derek's eyes whenever they had to pretend that they weren't completely and totally in love with one another.

As they enjoyed their time together on the grassy hill, Stiles tried his best to ignore the irregular beating of his heart. Derek noticed his antsy behavior and gently questioned Stiles. He knew that placing direct pressure on the anxiety in Stiles's brain would either cause a shutdown or a meltdown. Neither was preferable.

Derek reached out to grasp Stiles's hand and used his thumb to brush the back of Stiles's.

"I'm being told that I must marry before my ascension to the throne," Stiles muttered, almost as if he hoped Derek wouldn't hear.

This caused a jump in Derek's own heartbeat. They both knew this time would come, but no one expected it to be so soon.

"I turn eighteen next week, and as the sole heir, it is only fit that I am to marry."

Derek felt his heart sink in his chest. Stiles was leaving him, and even though Derek would still be allowed to visit the palace as a friend, he already knew that it would hurt too much. Derek avoided eye contact with Stiles's beautiful honey-colored eyes, and instead picked at the grass on the hill.

"Lady Martin seems to be a high-interest match," Derek whispered. He'd heard both his and Stiles's parents discussing Lydia Martin's quick rise to power. Most of the higher-ups had been trying to figure out how to "snatch" Lydia Martin up and into their own powerful families. Derek assumed that the Stilinksi's would be doing the same.

Stiles shook his head, "No. I have already selected someone to marry. My parents have," Stiles laughed, "reluctantly agreed."

Derek's heart filled with jealousy as he pictured some girl spending time with Stiles: holding his hand, sharing secret kisses underneath the stairs. He briefly let his mind wander to picturing the same girl meeting a terrible end.

"I imagine she's gorgeous," Derek grumbled, "If you have agreed to marry her."

Stiles nodded, still fighting to make eye contact with Derek, "Gorgeous indeed."

Derek ripped a fist of grass out of the ground, his face reddening while trying to hide the clump of grass from Stiles.

"Well, go on then," Derek cried, unable to contain it any longer, "Who is she? Which wretched woman is taking you away from me?"

He tried his best to fight the tears threatening to spill. He ignored his trembling lip.

Stiles moved closer to Derek, so close that their legs were pressed together. Stiles slowly reached across and used his thumb to wipe away an escaped tear. Derek took this chance to grab Stiles's hand and hold it as tightly as he could.

"No woman is taking me away from you."

Derek blinked the tears away and steadied his breathing, "Then who-"

Stiles moved away from him and reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out a small ring box. He pulled himself up into a kneeling position.

"Derek Hale, you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. There is no other person that knows me the way that you do. Or has supported me the way that you have. It's you, Derek. I want to marry you."

Derek's jaw dropped, "But your parents, my parents-"

Stiles shook his head, "I've talked it through with them. It took a lot of convincing, but I think they're both just happy with the idea of bringing the two kingdoms together."

"And the people?"

"Fuck them," Stiles laughed.

Derek's face reddened at Stiles's choice of words, "I will do my best to serve them as any king would," Stiles continued, "But no person, in either kingdom, means as much to me as you do."

Stiles shifted his weight on his knee, "So?"

Derek nodded, the tears, once again, threatening to spill, "Of course I'll marry you."

Stiles grinned and jumped to his feet so that he could slide the engagement ring onto Derek's left hand. He then pulled Derek into the tightest hug possible.

"I love you."

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles's frame.

"I love you too."

And for the first time, the whole world was able to see Stiles and Derek together, loving each other unabashedly. 

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now