Why Wasn't it Me? Part 2

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A/N: I SWEAR IM WRITING MORE STUFF OUTSIDE OF THIS AND THE HOSPITAL SERIES BUT LIKE uHHuHhUh i have a lot of stuff to do and I deal with stress by trying to forget about my other responsibilities???

What's your favorite one shot in this book so far? If you could have a part 2 of ANY of these one shots, which one would it be?

Like he did nearly everyday, Stiles sat in front of Derek's grave with an unopened beer bottle and bottle of root beer. He placed the bottle of beer in the dirt by Derek's grave and opened the bottle of root beer for himself.

"I skipped seventh period again today. I know I shouldn't have and I know you would have yelled at me but...I can't do it anymore, Derek. What's the point of going to school and sitting there and having to deal with everyone staring at me like I'm se lunatic? Just some poor boy who has a dead mom and a dead boyfriend?"

Stiles scoffed and drank half of his root beer. Downing it almost as if it were actual alcohol.

"You are-" Stiles caught himself, a pang shooting through his heart. "You were an idiot, Derek. No one fucking cares if it was for 'the good of the pack'. We needed you Derek. I needed you. And now you're gone."

Stiles sighed, both frustrated and upset. He watched the sun set beyond the horizon as he drew circles in the dirt of the cemetery.

Just like he did everyday, Scott came to the cemetery to try and drag Stiles home.

"It's time to go, Stiles. You're dad is looking for you."

"Just a few more minutes," Stiles grumbled angrily.

"Stiles, we have to go. I can't leave you out here by yourself, especially in the middle of the winter. You'll-"

"Die? Yeah, that's what I'm hoping."

Stiles's eyes widened, realizing what he had said.

"Scott I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

He rose to his feet to meet Scott's eyes.

"Derek died Stiles. And I know how much it hurts you, but it hurts all of us. Everyone is trying to give you space. Everyone is trying to help you, but you won't let us. If you keep pitying yourself every god damn day Stiles- we could lose you too. And believe me, none of us could live with that."

Stiles looked at his feet and kicked at a nearby pebble, hoping that if he focused enough on the pebble, Scott would disappear.

"Derek wouldn't hate you if you stopped coming to his grave everyday. But he would get mad at you if he knew you were flunking out of your senior year of high school and being a complete asshole to your dad. What would he tell you if he knew you were doing that, Stiles?"

Stiles chuckled with a few stray tears running down his cheeks, "Wake up and smell reality, dumbass."

Scott wrapped an arm around his best friend's shoulder.

"Let's go home."

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