let the rain kiss you

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A/N: This one is dedicated to my friend Leah, who not only came up with the idea but continues to inspire me on a regular basis. 

I hope you all are safe and well. Don't forget to comment!

Stiles loved the rain. He didn't know why, especially since so many people hated it, but he enjoyed the sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement and the calmness that seemed to settle in the air every time it rained.

At times like these, he just wanted to cuddle with someone and watch a movie together, but he lived on his own and was ridiculously single. So instead, Stiles resorted to wrapping himself in a thick blanket and burying himself between several pillows on his couch, the sound of the pouring rain almost complementing the faint audio from the TV.

He was in the middle of a deep Youtube spiral when there was a hard pounding at the door. Stiles bolted from the couch and grabbed his police gun from his safe. He lived in a relatively unoccupied area, so when someone pounded on the door as hard as this person was now, Stiles tended to get a bit worried, especially since it was the middle of the night.

Stiles finally arrived at the door and pulled it open, his hands cradling his weapon, resting a finger on the outside of the trigger.

Stiles didn't know exactly what he was expecting, but he definitely wasn't expecting a fully grown man, almost twice his size in bulk, to be standing outside of his door, nearly reduced to tears.

"I-I don't know what happened. I didn't mean to hit it-" The man ran his hand through his soaked hair, his hazel-green eyes darting in every direction. He didn't seem to notice that his blue v-neck was pasted to his skin, nor did he notice that his shoes were quickly flooding with water.

Stiles backed up to gently place his firearm on the table by the door before sticking his arms directly in front of him, almost as if to form a brace for the man.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Take a breath," the man paused and took a deep breath before Stiles continued, "Now tell me what happened."

"I was driving and I swear I only looked at the radio for a split second, but then I hit something, a-and, I hit a dog." The man's somewhat calm attitude wavered again, "My phone died and I didn't know where to go but then I saw the light in your window."

"Well, where did you leave it? I can go with you-"

"It's in my trunk," the man said, the words almost bursting out of his mouth. There was a flash of worry on his face, which could have easily been mistaken for regret.

Stiles followed the man to his car, ignoring the feeling of wet clothes attaching themselves to his skin, and watched as he opened the trunk. His extent of knowledge surrounding animals was limited, but he knew enough to say that the dog needed a vet.

"Listen-" Stiles paused, realizing he still didn't know the man's name.

"Derek," he responded.

Stiles repeated the name, feeling the word in his mouth, before remembering that they were standing in the pouring rain. He swiped the wet hair out of his eyes before continuing.

"I'm Stiles. My best friend is a vet. I'll give him a call and he can come to pick up the dog. You-," he said pointing at Derek, "-need to get changed and have a hot drink before driving home."

Derek pondered this for a moment before nodding his head. Stiles guided him back to the door and inside the house. While Derek pulled his sopping shoes off his feet, Stiles found his phone and called Scott.

Stiles found a change of clothes from the last time his dad visited and gave them to Derek while he talked to Scott about what happened. Stiles pointed in a general direction and Derek wandered off in the direction of the bathroom to go change.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now