I Don't Deserve You

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(Based off of the song Burn from Hamilton)

"I TRUSTED YOU," Stiles screamed, tears streaming down his face. He rushed past Derek from the bedroom that they shared and through the halls of the house. Derek ran after him, wrapping the bed sheet around his naked waist.

"Stiles, wait-"

Stiles stopped dead in his tracks, causing Derek to nearly trip over the white sheets, and whipped his head around.

"Don't you dare tell me to wait. You lost that right when I found you in OUR BED with another man. The bed that we share," Stiles voice cracked as another wave of tears forced themselves down his cheeks.

Derek didn't know how to respond. He had no excuses, no reasonings for his mistake.

"I loved you," Stiles whispered.

Derek reached out to grab Stiles's hand. Stiles flinched and pulled away.

"I made a mistake. We can fix this."

"NO. NO WE CAN'T," Stiles took the vase from the small table in the hallway and threw it to the ground, watching it shatter. "You ruined our lives, Derek. We were happy. You just had to ruin it. And for what? Was it because I'm not good enough for you? Is it because of face? Or my body? Or the fact that I'm unbelievably annoying? I wish you would have just told me, Derek. I would have fixed it."

Stiles collapsed into the glass in the floor, unable to support his weight anymore. He felt the shards of glass dig into his shins, but he was comforted in the fact that he was feeling something other than the pain of having his heart being ripped out of his chest.

"Why don't you love me?" Derek's heart split in two as the words left Stiles's mouth.

Derek knelt to the ground beside him, careful to avoid the glass, "No, honey," he whispered while wiping away Stiles's tears with his thumb. "I fucked up. And I have no excuses. But you are beautiful. I fucking love you, Stiles. I love you just the way you are. I'm the one that's ugly. I'm the one that can't think things through properly and weigh the consequences of my actions. I hurt you, Stiles. And I deserve nothing, I don't deserve you."

Derek helps Stiles stand up from his position on the ground and leads him over to the kitchen counter. He gets a pair of tweezers and a cloth soaked in hot water and carefully removes the shards of glass from Stiles's legs as he sat on the counter.

Derek could see Stiles's legs shaking but he couldn't bare to look up because he knew this shaking was caused by the sobs wracking through Stiles's body.

After finishing his task, Derek left to put everything away while Stiles disappeared into the guest room. He couldn't sleep in the room where Derek had destroyed everything.

"You don't deserve a place in our bed," Stiles told him. "You can sleep by yourself."

He shut the door to the guest room, locking it to keep Derek out and hopefully protect himself from more pain.

When Stiles woke up the next day, Derek had packed his things and left.

Stiles found a note on the kitchen counter with the words:

I don't deserve a place in your heart, but you will forever be in mine.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now