But I'm Straight!

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A/N: Hello again! I hope you are all doing well. I have had the most overwhelming past few months, so I'm sorry there haven't been any updates for a while. My school decided that we weren't having any three-day weekends or spring break, so I've been working non-stop since winter break.

I'm really happy with how this one turned out, and I hope you feel the same way. I hope the length makes up for the lack of updates haha.

As always, comment! I love reading them :) Stay safe and healthy. 

Stiles never would have ended up at a bar late on a Thursday night if it wasn't for Jackson, his obnoxious roommate. Danny, one of Jackson's friends, had bailed on him, and Scott, their other roommate, was out with his girlfriend, meaning Stiles was forced to tag along and abandon the criminology homework sitting on his desk.

Truthfully, he didn't mind hanging out with Jackson, but no one needed to know that. Especially not Jackson.

While they were waiting at the counter for their drinks, Jackson found a deck of cards on a nearby table and started dividing it up into smaller decks.

"If you lose, you have to go ask that guy for his number," Jackson said with a tilt of his head towards the end of the bar.

Stiles looked across the bustling room to see who Jackson gestured to and saw the most attractive person he had probably ever seen in his entire life, which was saying a lot considering he's had a crush on Lydia Martin since he laid eyes on her in his Intro to Chemistry class three years ago.

"Dude, no. You're just trying to humiliate me."

Jackson shrugged and handed Stiles the cards, "C'mon man. It's just Go Fish. You're not even gay. The worst thing that happens is that you get that guy's number and then you never use it. Take the cards."

Stiles glared and grabbed the stack of cards from Jackson's hand, "Fine, but if you lose, I get to drive your car back to the apartment."

Jackson froze, "No, I never-"

Stiles smirked, "It's just Go Fish, Jackson."

Jackson sighed and asked if Stiles had any sevens.


"I'm not doing it," Stiles said after Jackson had triumphantly held up his winning deck of cards.

Jackson rolled his eyes and shoved at Stiles's shoulder, "It's less than five minutes of embarrassment. Just do it."

Stiles reluctantly slid off of his stool and dragged himself to the opposite end of the bar where the man stood. It was impossible to say he was unattractive, and by the looks he was getting from the other patrons, Stiles could tell the rest of the bar agreed.

Stiles tapped the man's leather jacket-covered shoulder. When he turned around, Stiles had to tell himself not to stare at the man's hazel eyes. Under the bar's dim-lit lighting, Stiles couldn't quite tell exactly which shade of green his eyes were, but he could tell that if he kept looking at them, he wouldn't be able to look away.

"This is so embarrassing and I'm sure you probably already have a partner, so I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, but I told my friend I'd ask for your number if I lost at Go Fish so- wait what are you doing?"

The man had taken Stiles's wrist and started writing on the back of his hand with a pen he'd grabbed from the counter. He raised an eyebrow, "Giving you my number. What does it look like I'm doing?"

Stiles sputtered, "I don't even know your name!"

The man dropped his hand, "It's Derek."

"No, it's Stiles - oh you meant your name. Derek. Got it."

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now