Chapter 7: The fall

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"Obi-Wan?!" The wind blew through our hair as the speeder dove down, cars speeding by and their horns sounding through our ears. My hands grasped for anything that might steady me as I watched the surface come closer with each passing second. I was used to flying, but this was something entirely different.

"Hold on!" He took action instantly, diving forward and pushing the driver's now limp body to the side. Obi-Wan tried to retake control of the vehicle, pushing multiple buttons and holding the wheel in his hands, pulling it up. I could hear him groan in frustration even over the deafening sound of our downfall. "They shot the engine, we're dead in the air!"

He tried his best to steady the vehicle, to slow our descent but it was all in vain. The entire thing was spiralling out of control, smoke trailing behind us.

"What in the..." My day just kept getting worse. Leaning forward, I grasped his arm tightly, feeling the muscles straining beneath the fabric, redirecting his gaze back to mine. Blue met green as he waited for me to say something, his hair flying before his eyes as the moment of impact grew ever closer. "Let me fly us out of here before, -"

"No! You can't use the seidr!" Obi-Wan protested immediately, scowl apprearing as he glanced around for other options. Even he knew that we were moments away from disaster when he saw the surface come into our view.

"Obi-Wan, you idiot, just let me, -" Before I could stop him his arms were wrapped around my waist as he pulled us both from the speeder right before it crashed on the ground. He'd jumped right out of the backseat with me held tightly in his arms, landing a few feet away from the explosion that erupted after. I could feel him use the force to slow our fall, phantom hands catching us mid air but when he hit the ground they soon disappeared.

We tumbled and fell, rolling over the cold hard surface till our bodies came to a hard stop. Somewhere in the process he'd let go of me, his body rolling even further. Where before I was afraid I'd for his touch, I now ached to feel it again for I lost him in the chaos and I could only think of the worst scenarios.

I was lying on the ground, limbs pulled into an uncomfortable position, debris covering my body. A loud peep rang through my ears as I struggled to lift myself from the ground, my vision blurry and hazy as I blinked. The impact had knocked the air right out of my lungs, my head hurting by the mere force we were thrown out.

"Obi?" I mumbled as I tumbled on my limbs, getting on my hands and knees as the smoke clouded my vision and coughs ripped through my body when I breathed in the smoke. There was only rubble and debris before me, a fire burning in the wreckage that did little to clear the air. We had landed somewhere in an industrial site, a dark alley surrounded only by metal buildings.

"Obi-Wan?!" Repeating, I tried to search for him in the chaos as I got back on my feet, finding support as I leaned against a wall close by. Worry started to fill my body, desperate pleas falling from my lips before I could stop myself. "Obi, where are you?!"

"Lyanna, get down!" Right after I heard his voice I felt an invisible force pushing me down to the ground, my legs giving in under the pressure and making me fall to my knees behind the wall. There was no doubt in my mind that it had been his doing.

"For Thor's sake, -" I grumbled, my eyes finding him hiding behind what remained of one of the speeder's doors. Before I could declare my displeasure I heard a blaster shot hit the wall right beside my head, making me duck down behind the wall further.

"Bloody hell!" My heart hammered in my chest as my eyes shot to Obi-Wan's, watching as he ignited his lightsaber and a scowl appeared around his lips.

"Princess, stay there!" His eyes flickered to me before they tried to find the shooter behind the smoke again. The icy blue from his weapon casted eery shadows on his face, devouring him of all warmth. "I'll be right back, don't move!" His light brown tunic waved around him as he rounded the corner, ducking behind cover as another shot almost hit him.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now