Chapter 58: A moment of peace

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I realized that I hadn't made a drawing of just the two of them, and of course I had to remedy that immediately ^^^ Ladies and gents, the king and queen of Valeria

Footsteps landed on the soft green grass. The wind blew through her hair and wove the strands before her visage. She took in a deep gulp of the Valerian air, smelling of a warm summer's day and the sweet scent of the flowers that grew there in the meadow.

In the light of the late afternoon sun the bright red of her hair coloured a golden glow, almost obscuring the sight of the city of Eagle's fall that was sprawled out in front of her. From on top of the highest mountain surrounding the capital one could see the entire city stretched on to the horizon, the water of the rivers reflecting the light. It had almost blinded her eyes had she not shielded them with the palm of her hand until her eyes had grown accustomed.

There, on top of the hill, she spotted a familiar figure. Lyanna smiled broadly as she walked to her brother's side who was already laying on a soft blanket with his armour discarded beside him. He was dressed in only a grey tunic and loose work pants, his golden hair falling out of the small ponytail he'd tied it in.

His face was pointed to the sky, his eyes closed while a contented smile painted his lips, bathing in the warm sunlight. Judging by the tone of his skin, it was something he enjoyed regularly. Propped up on his elbows, the muscles of his arms showed through the thin fabric of his shirt.

Gone was the armour, the crown and the weapons. The storm he commanded was nowhere to be seen for the sky was devoid of any clouds. There was no hint of the king in the picture he now presented, only that of the boy she had grown up next to.

It'd been some time since the queen had seen him this relaxed. Her heart eased, some of the longing falling off it. "Careful, brother, before they start to think you're neglecting your kingly duties." Lyanna drawled as she walked up to his side and plumbed down, groaning as she leaned back against the soft blanket. It greeted her into a warm embrace, the softness enveloping her like a cushion.

The king's eyes opened as he glanced aside, not startled in the least. It was as if he thought that no harm could come to him there. He was safe, and there was no danger on the horizon. The queen mirrored his position, leaning back against the soft material of the blanket and letting out a deep breath.

It'd been some time since she had felt the safety he had grown so used to. In the past few months, it was either blaster fire or the alarm of another battle going off. There had rarely been a moment of pure peace to enjoy, let alone a moment to bathe in the sun with only her mind to occupy her.

The stormy grey in his eyes lightened up and a grin played on his lips. "What's the point in ruling a kingdom when you can't enjoy its beauty?" Aidan questioned as he settled back down, letting his gaze wander over the buildings in the distance. Every now and then a Valar'jar would fly from its streets, their wings carrying them through the calm sky. "And, let's not forget the irony of you pointing that out, when you've only returned for two days."

Lyanna scoffed and slowly opened her eyes, taking in the sights before her. It was as if nothing had changed. The people remained the same, the city still blinking in the light, the buildings just as she left them. At the same time, everything had changed, for she wasn't the same person she was when she had departed almost a year ago.

"I must say, you've done a great job holding all this together." She motioned towards the teeming streets, the shouts from the marketplace reaching them even miles away. "No civil wars, no murdering, no protests. Not even a single brawl, I've heard. Makes me think you might not have need of me in the first place."

Aidan chuckled lightly as he sat up, reaching to the side and grasping the flask of ale he'd brought with him. He procured some grapes and bread from the basket and laid it between them, handing another flask to his sister. "It's not gone without any effort, you know. I've had enough sleepless nights and midnight breakdowns to last me a lifetime."

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