Chapter 49: Bargaining

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"That's exactly what you're going to do."

At first Obi Wan was afraid he'd regret his decision. Where before he'd tried endlessly to keep her safe, he was now sending her to the front lines himself. On her own and with permission to use every last bit of that unending power she held in the pits of her heart. He may even be sending her right into the hands of Maul himself.

He'd thought he'd go crawling back before she could leave and never let her go. But as he watched her putting on her armor, her eyes focussed and determined, he knew that no matter what he did or said she would do what she did best. Saving people, not only by using the skills she'd obtained as a doctor, but by making sure they wouldn't be put in harm's way in the first place. Maybe she'd get hurt, but the woman before him didn't seem like one that would give up easily.

A proud smile covered his lips as he stared at her. The black Valerian armour already covered her limbs, the dragon scale almost completely hiding her in the shadows of the cellar. Were it not for the fiery red of her hair, she'd almost been invincible in the darkness. Her red cape had been torn and wrapped around his wound at the river's bend, the remains now hanging on the belt that was bound around her waist.

The belt that had saved him from bleeding out, the belt she had used to keep his heart beating. That very same organ now pounded against his chest at the sight of her. Her hair was bound in braids, away from her eyes, black coal smudged around her eyes, making her look like the fighter she was.

He was wrong before when he'd said he didn't recognize her anymore. For this was her, the warrior queen, and he loved every part of her fierce self.

"I can feel you staring at me." She muttered as she secured the last of the braids at the back of her head. In the light of the tiny flames she'd casted her freckles lit up, the light reflecting in her green eyes in the way he recognized them to. As Obi Wan scoffed at himself, she secured the last of her belts around her waist and turned his way. She spread her arms as if to present herself, bowing through her knees the tiniest bit.

"What do you think, master jedi?" She straightened as the corner of her mouth pulled up in a smirk. "Am I presentable enough?"

"Always, my darling." He crossed his arms before his chest and lifted one eyebrow at the title she'd used. Nevertheless, he couldn't help the smile pulling at his lips. He looked down at the clothes he was wearing after managing to tear his gaze away from hers, the improvised stitches she'd made mending the hole in his tunic. Their hostess had managed to wash out most of the blood but still dark splotches covered the fabric around the area the branch had practically impaled him. "I, on the contrary, -"

She walked towards him with large strides, grasped the collar of his tunic in her glove-covered hands and pulled him down before he could finish. "Look dashing." She muttered before placing her lips against his. He couldn't help the grin as he kissed her back, his hands sliding over her waist until they settled over her hips and pulled her against him. She smiled against his lips after that and retreated. "Are you sure about this?" With every word she spoke her lips touched his, making a shiver run up his spine.

Obi Wan closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers, breathing in deeply. He'd had to bow down to get to her level, even as she stood on her toes to reach him. Now, he could smell her, the aromas of what he could only describe as a cosy fire at the end of a long summer's day wafting his senses.

"Of course." He whispered and then lifted his head only so that he could place a kiss on her forehead. "Unless you're not?"

Her eyes scrunched together when she felt the hairs of his beard tingling her skin, a soft chuckle falling from her lips. "Mmh." She hummed contently as she raised herself further onto her toes, settling her head in the crook of his neck. "I will burn them all to ash."

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now