Chapter 55: Master of Darkness

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"How about all of them?"

The next thunderstrike hit right before the reinforcements gathered behind us, driving them back into the passage they'd appeared from. Their frightened, shocked yells echoed through the narrow space, almost dulled by the pounding of the rain on the rocks.

"Watch out!" The jedi yelled as the next lightning strike came dangerously close to us while I stood there, unfazed, knowing that this storm wouldn't harm us. Instead, I spent my time glaring back at Maul while an insidious smile slowly started pulling at the corners of my mouth. Judging by the way Obi Wan pulled me tighter against him and tried to shield me from the deadly lightning, he didn't realize what had arrived.

Or rather, who had arrived.

He was but a black streak that shot through the sky above, the sky roaring at his arrival. "Oh, he's got it coming now." I grinned broadly as my grip around my weapon tightened.

The next strike was aimed right at the entrance to the caves. The ceiling collapsed, burying the corpses that had gathered there and barring the entrance. The earthquake that had followed had the draugr tumbling on their legs, some falling to the ground and being buried there by the falling rocks. Maul darted away from the avalanche, Fenrir and some of the bodies with him. Already he'd lost half his army and the battle itself hadn't even started yet.

As if he realized what had happened he looked up at the clouded sky, waiting, searching. "He's trapped!" I yelled over the roar of the storm and untangled myself from Obi Wan's grasp. In the corner of my vision, I saw his incredulous expression watching it all unfurl, his arm shielding his face from the rain as it thundered down.

When a previously hidden figure shot over us to circle back, its face hidden by the shadows of the clouds and the thick rain, realization quickly hit him. He turned to watch him round back and fly to us, his figure almost too fast to follow, the lightning showing the grey of his feathers in flashes. The next few strikes hit the cliffs behind us and created another avalanche that blocked the way to us from the reinforcements.

It was the electric blue amidst stormy grey of his eyes that I recognized as he came near, the golden hair that peeked from under his winged helmet. His silver armour was tainted and dirty, like every Valerian's armour should be, while his head missed the covering of a crown and instead wore a decorated helmet that obscured the hard lines of his face. The royal blue of the Stormrage crest wove behind him, his cape fluttering in the storm. A warmth spread through my chest as my heart started pumping excitedly.

Aidan Stormrage, chosen king of Valeria, bringer of storms and my beloved brother. Gods, I'd missed him. By what little I could see through the slits of his helmet, I knew he was smiling too. Even though the rain soaked my armour and clothes a warmth spread through my entire form.

Taking in a deep breath, I steeled myself for the fight to come, body filling with adrenaline. With another I jumped into a slow pace that soon turned into a sprint, running underneath the Valerian's figure as he flew overhead, only a few feet above me. I could feel the electricity playing around him, the sparks igniting and playing over my skin. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Obi Wan eyeing it all with widened eyes and mouth hanging open.

"Well, come on, then!" I laughed. "Before he leaves us only scraps!" As I turned back around and heard the chuckling coming from above me, Maul was quickly getting into view. His double bladed lightsaber ignited and he motioned with his hand, commanding his surrounding troops to charge as well. They quickly fell into formation before him and ran towards us.

Water splashed from the puddles as we sprinted, drops sliding down our faces as they contorted into scowls. When we were near enough to make out each other's figures and the front lines already readied for impact, another dozen winged soldiers appeared from behind Maul's army, led by a single man draped in royal blue. His golden feathers spread widely as clouds rolled off them, barely fitting into the narrow passage, before he collided with the entire back and knocked them over to the ground.

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