Chapter 28: Change of Plans

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"Laughs viciously"

He's here.

"Now, let's see what that fire of yours is capable of against real droids."

That fire, apparently, wasn't of much use. Or else they wouldn't have sent me here, where I could use everything but that fire. Here, where I could end multiple already jeopardized life's with but a single misguided flame like I had destroyed those on Coruscant months before.

Yes, months. Months without seeing anyone I knew, without word from anyone besides Anakin. He'd keep me updated on the war but every time I asked if I could help, he avoided the question and ended the call.

The jedi had decided they had no use for me after all. Maybe it was the fact that there was an ancient sith lord after me, which the little stunt in the training room made very clear, that made them decide to exile me. Or maybe it was the fact that they knew another sith lord was still haunting me to this very day, all be it less frequently. The fact that his dark power had aided me that day was an absolute no-go though, that much was sure. 

Fire wasn't what they wanted from me. But there was one other thing I could do that they needed.

"Doctor Fireheart, the patient is ready." A voice called from the door.

My back straightened as I sighed. Doctor, that was what I had become once more.

I turned around from the window looking out at the empty space outside the ship and glanced towards one of the assistants I had been working with for weeks and nodded. We were in a medical frigate in the middle of unoccupied space, stationed between two of the most brutal warfronts. I had almost memorized those stars outside my window, the way they flickered, the schedules of the ships arriving at the ports.

It wasn't bad. I had gotten my own office, got to choose my own team and quarters. I'd been working as a surgeon for the Republic; helping the clone troopers that had gotten wounded in battle. It was a bloody and messy job but at least it made sure those lives were saved instead of being discarded for the 'weapons' they were to the senators.

The patient we were going to operate on now was much different though. For that I was thankful, for I already knew the bodies of those clones inside out. The only variance was what kind of shrapnel I would find imbedded in some organ.

I silently made my way through the halls, glancing down at the blue OR clothes I was wearing and making sure all my hair had been pulled into the hat. No, this patient was one of the residents of a nearby planet. The ruler, to be exact, of a planet filled with precious spice mines that we traded with. He was one of the few who agreed to help us, one of the few to supply us with the much-needed medication.

Of course, the man had gotten a genetic tumour that I was the only one qualified enough in the vicinity to remove. It had been there all his life but had now gotten too large and had been causing symptoms for some time now. I stepped into the operating room and quickly disinfected my hands, noting the assistants I would be working with as they chatted away and handed me the sterile coat, helping me put on the gloves too.

"We've got royalty today, doc." The main assistant smiled at me when I had joined her at the table with the already sleeping patient and handed me the scalpel for the first incision.

They had no idea who I really was and I couldn't find the courage to tell them. "Oh, really?" Faking a smile, I almost subconsciously started the operation, opening the abdomen from the top to bottom. She kept handing me the exact instruments I needed, used to my way of operating after working together for so long.

"Yes, and a famous one at that, he, -" She continued on and on about him, telling the stories of how he ruled his people and how he became one of the biggest players in the spice trade.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now