Chapter 27: The final test

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Stormy eyes with white strikes like lightning crossing a clear blue sky, grand grey wings like thunder clouds, dirty blond hair that he kept bound on the back of his head. Still, there was always that one strand hanging before his face that he would wave away and frustrate him beyond believe. But he would never let that frustration show, no, he was always calm and collected. When there was a fight, then was the moment you should be afraid.
Cunning like a fox and lethal as a griffin, he would end you before you had the chance to run.

Gods, Aidan.

I would never see him again. My own brother, I left my own brother behind to take care of a kingdom. I would never again see his broad frame or feel his warm, safe arms around me. I would never again get the chance to argue with him or listen as he vented about being a king. No more nights looking out over the city as we drank ale, no more nights getting drunk at feasts and behaving as everything but king and queen.

He'd have to do it all by himself now. Just like I had to.

He'll make it; he's a Stormrage, lightning incarnate, unyielding and unbreakable.

I narrowed my eyes and continued my path down the hall. My footsteps echoed through the narrow space of the jedi temple, followed by the troopers behind me. I hadn't slept all night and now sported big blue bags beneath my eyes. I'd tried to hide the red circles too by applying a bit too much black coal but it did nothing to hide the empty look. Together with the rough spun tunic and loose pants, I looked nothing like the queen I was the day before.

He'll make it. It sounded like a promise to myself, and I let it wave over me and calm the nerves that were forming. At first I hadn't been able to think of anything but myself, about how I had offered myself as a weapon and would be used as such in the war to come.

Then, I thought about those I was leaving behind. About Stefan and Finn and his new-born son, the infant I would never get to see grow up. About the countless patients that were waiting for me to come back. About my people I had left without a word and had now abandoned forever. About Aidan, whom I had promised I would come back.

They will make it. They had to.

"You'll make it too, you know." Arthas voice came from beside me, making me skip a beat in my steps before I recovered into a normal rhythm. Besides that, I tried not to show any reaction or even acknowledge him but couldn't help the clenching of my jaw. "Now for the Separatists, I'm not so sure, not now that you're in the game. But at least they don't need to organize cremations." His steps fell in line with mine, his black hair waving before his face as he chuckled softly.

"You could always kill the Chancellor and end this before they get the chance to use you, you know." I felt his gaze on the side of my head. "Spare Valeria the shame of having a puppet Queen."

"It's just down the hall there, your majesty." The clone I did acknowledge, giving him a glance and nodding in understanding. I still felt uneasy in their company, knowing I had unintentionally killed 12 of their brothers. Each time I heard their voice, I could only hear the screams as they echoed over the raging fire. It was driving me insane.

"Thank you, trooper." I left Arthas standing there in the hall as I skidded towards the designated door, opening it to reveal a dressing room before the training hall I was about to enter. Sighing deeply, I glanced around at the armour gathered there, at the numerous blasters than hung on the wall and finally, at the jedi masters that now turned around to watch me.

"Good, you're here." Windu immediately stepped towards me. "We've been waiting for you."

I only gave him a slight nod, crossing my arms before me awkwardly. "We'll be watching from above. If anything goes wrong, yell, and we'll stop the simulation." He handed me a few pieces of jedi armor and watched casually as I put them on.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now