Chapter 24: Imprisoned

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Before I knew it I was sitting in a dark cell. I had no recollection of what happened in between. From the moment I watched those flames rising to the sky everything became a blur. I didn't even feel the tight grip those troopers had on me when they dragged me to their transport, I didn't hear the words they screamed at me as they pushed me inside and clasped those metal shackles around my wrists. I didn't even notice the Republic official as he told me all my rights before they shoved me into the cell. All I could hear was the sound of the fire burning away at those ships, mingled with a few anguished cries in the distance.

Did I hurt people? Had I killed them? It was all I could think about, for their deaths would be on my hands. I'd fallen directly into a trap and consequently destroyed more than I could possibly know. It didn't only impact me, no. It was much worse. I knew it would lead all the way back to Valeria. Word would soon reach Aidan that they'd imprisoned me and knowing him, he would start a war to get me back.

The only hope I had left was that they would release me before that could happen. Yet, knowing the fact that I had destroyed thousands of credits worth of ships, I knew there would certainly be some form of reconciliation. So, it was either certain war, or Valeria would have to pay for the damage using the rare resources on our planet which on itself would probably also lead to a civil war.

Was that what Lord Sidious had planned? Did he want a war on Valeria, only so that he could reach Arthas more easily? Or did he simply want the people, who were one of the few people that even stood a chance against him, destroyed by themselves?

There must be another way.

It was only when I took a deep breath in and focused on the shiny, black metal wall of the cell that I realized someone was talking to me.

"- should have been obvious. I mean, why would the jedi even be in that shipyard to begin with. Not that he's the brightest, of course, but he's not that stupid." Arthas let out a deep sigh, leaning against the wall with his one leg slightly bent. His arms folded tightly before him, the muscles showing through his tight black shirt. "If I had been there I would've smacked you on the face before you even tried to set a foot on the ship taking you from Valeria."

"But you weren't there, because I defeated you." I spoke quietly as I stared at the wall.

Arthas jolted as if shocked I was even talking back, his eyes soon focussing on my figure as I sat upright on the only bench of the cell. His mouth pulled into a self-satisfied smirk. "Yes, and where did that get you?"

I only shrugged, too tired to answer. "We could've been safely ruling over our kingdom right now." Arthas complained as he mimicked my distant stare. "Away from the republic, away from all this jedi nonsense. I would've been the best king in centuries, and certainly the most handsome, -"

"I shouldn't even be talking to you." I interrupted his ranting.

"And why is that?"

"Because you killed Eric." My nose scrunched up in disgust as my words became a cutting sneer, my eyes refusing to even spare him a glance. "You killed my father right in front of me."

"Oh, please." Arthas pushed himself off the wall as his eyes remained solely focused on me. "He was nothing but a usurper who betrayed both his friends and took the throne for himself. Not to forget, he lied to you all those years about who you were." He knelt in front of me, making me force my gaze his way. "I did all of Valeria a service when I killed him"

"You killed hundreds of innocent people in Eagle's fall." I stared him down, not even noticing a slither of guilt go through his eyes. "Not much of a service, is it?"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now