Author's note

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Holy mother of f!@k

I... I don't even know what to say. This journey has been so incredible, so utterly unprecedented that I can't even find the words to express how much this means to me. Ending the story that I have spent the last 6 years building, writing, loving, pouring my feelings into.

It's like saying goodbye to a part of me and closing an entire chapter of my life. After all this time, the characters have become such a part of me that it somehow even pains me to think that their story ends here. To realise that I won't be publishing entire chapters (of way too many words) about their journey, a journey that has my own wrapped and moulded into it. Maybe I'll even miss the hours I've spent pulling my hair out over a simple paragraph and how to phrase it.

Gods, I fell in love with them. The characters, their journeys, their flaws and traits, even the planet of Valeria and all that came with it (I might even have made a dnd campaign based on these two stories, and am playing with a group that are absolutely loving it). Above all, I fell in love with your enthusiasm, your love for the story. A love that you've shown me each and every time I published a new part of it.

I always published a new chapter right before I went to bed, just so that I could wake up with a smile on my face. A smile that you put there by showering me with all those comments and votes.

Admittedly, those comments might have saved my life every now and then.

So I would like to thank you, with all my heart. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, for making some dark days turn a bit lighter, for reaching out to me and telling me how much you loved the story. For pulling me out of the pits I couldn't get out of myself without even knowing it. For sticking with me even when the updates were incredibly slow and oh my god where did she go now. (So sorry about that).

Thank you. Know that I mean that with all that I am.

(oh my gosh why am I getting emotional by writing an author's note, get your shit together, man)

I would like to send out some special thank you's for the coming few; @The212thproductions for being there always, and supporting our queen like no other. @Renog4rd for being one of the most loyal readers that hasn't missed a single update for years, god I love you @panda12persons for always making me laugh with your hilarious comments (yess, Aidan is dummy thicc), @_honeywriter for looking out for me even when I wasn't (you have no idea how much that meant to me), @TNTiffany for continueing to read even though I have traumatised you multiple times now, @beetheblue for the laughs, @Magpie_lord , @theOGFulcrum and of course @snoozles99 for being there each and every time with such sweet compliments my heart melted. 

That isn't even near to being everyone that I want to thank, but at least I tried. (I am on a deadline, okay. Gotta head back to the hospital in a few minutes, GOSH. of course I appreciate you, you beautiful human being.) 

For those that didn't realize it yet; this story is all about finding the worth within yourself. For accepting all parts of you, for seeing yourself as you are; enough. No matter the flaws you have, no matter the things you've done or bad things people have said about you, you are enough. 

We are all different from each other. Men, women, one that is both or neither, sexual preferences, there are countless differences. But one thing stays the same; we all have both light and dark within us. (For those that need a little bit more explaining; we all have an Obi and an Arthas bickering in our minds)

It isn't bad to have some or even a lot of dark, as long as we don't let it take control. As long as we see that part of us and accept it for what it is, acknowledge it.  Don't hide it away, don't try to run from it, because it won't leave. It is a part of you that is both beautiful and mysterious in its own way. 

It makes you who you are. And that person, that is exactly who you were meant to be. That person is beautiful in its own mysterious, sometimes maybe even hilariously different, way. That person is enough. 

Let that get through that skull of yours and you'll save yourself years of therapy. (speaking from a person that knows). 

And yes, yes. There will be a short story / one shot book. Calm your titties. 

It will get there when it gets there.

(omg it's gonna be amazing. Like this will only be the fun parts I come up with, like no fillers at all. IMAGINE THAT. Uugggh, the freedom, the lack of struggling, and above all the Fluff and posible smut and flasbacks to our favourite villain, daaaaaammmnnn. I. Can't. Wait. But have to, since I'm in my next internship and have no time bla, bla bla. Mental health and something. Gotta take care of it) 

Thank you all for reading, for experiencing this journey with me, and above all; thank you for being yourself.

I love you all, my darlings. 

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now