Chapter 20: The Convergence

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"Well, princess, I, -"

"Master Kenobi, your majesty. Are you two coming? The other masters are waiting." Mace Windu had returned to the chamber, glancing between the two and lingering on the worried look that crossed his friends face.

"Come, your majesty." Obi Wan laid his hand on her back and guided her outside, to the elevator that would take them to the council chamber. She could sense his reluctance in the way that he walked and the way his voice lowered even though he'd tried to hide it from his colleague.

"Oh, no." Lyanna sighed. "Please tell me I'm not going to another interrogation with the other masters. I'm done with being scolded like some rebellious child." Windu only scoffed as he pushed the button to close the elevator behind her.

"I fear it's worse than that, your majesty." Although he tried his best to compose his feelings, Lyanna could feel his worry radiating off of Obi Wan in strong waves. She glanced at him and soon tapped into their bond, knowing the other master was right behind them. He wouldn't talk openly with her, not with him so close by.

"What's going on, Obi?"

"They're going to try something, something that has rarely been done before." He replied mentally, crossing his arms before his chest as he clenched his jaw. "My darling, you have every right to refuse them. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, you're a queen and we can't force you to do-"

"Obi, for Odin's sake, just tell me what's going on." Right when she'd heard a sliver of his voice reappearing the door of the elevator slid open only to view all the other masters in their seats. Lyanna stood frozen for a while, taking it all in and noticing the fear creeping into her bones. The last time she was in this chamber she'd been locked up. Somehow, she had the feeling this time was going to be even worse.

"Follow me, your majesty." Mace Windu pushed past them both, walked towards the middle of the chamber where Lyanna noticed only now two holocron were laid down. One glimmered with blue lights but the other she recognized all too well. It was the sith holocron she'd found earlier. Even now she could feel it calling out to her, to that particular part in her that she'd been trying so long to hide away.

"What is the meaning of this?" Brows furrowed, she looked around at the other jedi.

"We call it the convergence." Master Plo Koon answered. He sat calmly in his chair, eyeing her with kind eyes. "We have reason to believe that when these two holocron, sith and jedi, are opened simultaneously and closely together, that any question we ask would be answered."

Her breath staggered as she glanced aside, trying to see what Obi Wan was thinking. His eyes were glued to the two objects, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth and his jaw clenched tightly. Frowning, she glanced back. "Is this some kind of test?" She wondered. After all, she'd have to open a sith holocron right in front of them which would only further raise their suspicions.

"If only it were." Master Fisto replied. "We heard from master Kenobi you'd been attacked by a certain sith lord we've been trying to find for a long time."

"Darth Sidious." Mace Windu murmured, his voice low and filled with an emotion Lyanna couldn't quite yet place. She glanced towards his body as he stood before the windows of the room, looking out over Coruscant.

"Your majesty, we agreed that we'd do anything to help you. Right now, we believe this may be the only way to find and stop him." Fisto continued and watched as the queen slowly made her way to the midst of the room.

"Isn't this illegal for you jedi?" Her eyes were glued to the red holocron, watching it hover slightly above ground. It called to her and she had the urge to answer. "To even allow this?" Tearing her gaze from the object, she instead tried to glue it to Yoda.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now