Chapter 16: Absolutes

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A new piece I'm still working on ^^

"Stefan, dear, -" From my slumped position on one of the seats, I glanced up at his pacing figure. His eyes were narrowed with worry as he bit his nails, his blond hair hanging before his eyes in loose strands. For his tall and broad built, he still had his way of looking utmost vulnerable.

Master Windu had taken us back from the abandoned rooftop and to the jedi temple after discovering Cad Bane had slipped through their fingers. Much to my frustration, the bounty hunter left us no clue as to who was paying him to take me, or where he would've taken me to. We were no closer to finding out what was really happening, and after all that had happened it angered me even more.

Now, that same jedi master watched us from the corner of the room as he waited for his colleagues to arrive. The fact that I had broken the promise I made to the council was something he couldn't forgive. He'd called the others to discuss these events, and to decide on what to do next.

"can you sit down? You're making me nervous." I sighed and reached out for his hand. The commander only let out a loud huff, plumbing down in the seat next to me and then giving me a tired glance.

"I'm sorry, my queen. I just feel so... helpless." He hid his head in his hands. "I promised Aidan I'd protect you. This should never have happened, not on my watch."

"It's not your fault, Stefan." The moment I'd tried to comfort him, the door to the chamber opened. I glanced up hopefully and soon my eyes met Obi's as he entered with some of the other jedi masters. I spotted both master Yoda and master Plo-Koon too, but the other members of the jedi council were nowhere to be found. They walked in their usual, reserved manner that did nothing to ease the tension in my muscles.

"Queen Fireheart." Plo-Koon bowed slightly before me, making the nerves in my stomach diminish for the tiniest bit. "We heard what happened. Are you all right?"

I was slightly taken aback for a moment, expecting them to immediately attack me after what I'd pulled. In a way, I was angry at myself for what I had done. In a moment of pure anger, I'd lashed out, and did exactly what they feared I would do when that happened.

My eyes followed them as they calmy took a seat. "Ye-yes, I'm fine, master." I felt Windu's stern gaze on the side of my head but tried to pay him no mind. I'd much rather take my chances with the new arrivals.

My gaze stuck to Obi's as he examined me, trying to see if I was hurt. I felt his force signature nudge mine, warm and welcoming, reaching out to make sure I was all right before he turned away. "The assailant, he escaped?" Obi Wan asked after letting out a deep breath, glancing at master Windu.

"I'm afraid so."

"Only because you kept me from capturing him." I mumbled under my breath. Sadly, it was loud enough for the others to hear. Feeling all their gazes on me, I sat upright and coughed awkwardly. "I had him before, well..." Turning towards Mace I shot him a glare, remembering how he had basically thrown me against a wall.

"You were using forbidden magic." Windu commented. "I had no choice but to stop you."

I scoffed, glaring at him. "I was using it in self-defence." The other masters stayed silent, glancing at me. "Senator Amidala's servant was shot right before my eyes. Had I not intervened, I'm sure he would've continued shooting the others."

"What she's meaning to say is; -" Stefan stood up, his defensive side soon showing as his hand grasped around the handle of his sword. "she got out of there alive because she was protecting herself. Where were you when this happened?!" He pointed at Windu furiously. "You were assigned to protect her!"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now