Chapter 10: Trust

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"We'll see." Obi Wan whispered, his expression dropping. He went for the fruit, grasping it and holding it out for me to take. Reluctantly, I grasped it, turning it around between my fingers and raising a brow in question. "Take a bite." He ordered, nodding in encouragement.

Shrugging, I let my teeth sink into the fruit, only to have my eyes widen in surprise when the sweet taste graced my tongue. Obi Wan chuckled lightly at my reaction as I hummed, smiling warmly as I looked at the fruit. It was unlike anything I'd ever tasted before.

"As you know, the force is all around us." He started to explain as I took another bite. "It resides in every living thing, in every man, woman, child and even in all plants and animals. That, -" He pointed at the fruit in my hand. "came from a tree, where the force was waved into every fibre. Formerly, it had belonged to other organisms that then fed the tree through its remains after they passed. Now, it has passed onto you. We're connected to everything around us, a never altering balance, a harmony between all living things."

I listened attentively, savouring the taste but also the way he spoke, the excitement in his voice and the joy that twinkled in his eyes. For the first time I could feel my nerves subsiding, feel the rest dawning on me. Unlike the other masters before him, he was patient even when nothing seemed to work. "Now, put it down in front of you." Slightly disappointed, I placed it down on the ground, curious for his next steps.

"Close your eyes and feel the energy that now flows through you." Obi exhaled deeply and shut his eyes, resting his hands on his knees. "The energy that resides in that fruit, that has now passed onto you. Feel how it surrounds us, how it's everywhere, -"

I had closed my eyes just as he asked, oblivious to what he was trying to make me do. Focussing, I could feel the force, feel it flowing around us as we sat, feel it playing within him and me, feel the link that bonded us together. The warmth that spread through my body numbed every pain there was, until suddenly in the darkness of my vision I saw a void that pulled everything towards it.

"feel it penetrate you, surround you, -" Obi Wan continued but when I felt it tuck at me, felt it pull me into that endless abyss I knew it was going wrong. The moment it got a hold of me, my entire vision blackened till all I could see were two golden orbs staring back at me. Then there was fire, hellfire, that burned my skin and surrounded everything around me. "Something is coming to scorch the ground, -"

I quickly opened my eyes with a loud gasp, steadying myself by placing my hands on the ground. "Princess?" His eyes stared at me as I panted, following my frantic movements as I looked around.

"I can't, I won't do it." I quickly said, rising to my feet and pacing, trying to get that aching fear out of my head.

"What is wrong?" He asked calmly.

"I can't do it, Kenobi!" I yelled at him, pointing an accusing finger his way. "Stop trying to make me!"

"You can." His voice was stern, making me turn around to face him instantly. Eyes slightly narrowed, he stared me down. "You've done it before, by the lake." I bit my lip and diverted my eyes away from his, crossing my arms before my chest. At that time I was pulled into a similar nightmare, but kept it from him just the same. "Sit down, Lyanna."

"I told you, I won't, -"

"Sit. Down." Suddenly, I didn't dare protest. Without truly realizing my limbs followed his command, lowering myself to the ground until I was face to face with him again. Obi took in a deep breath as he clenched his jaw. "Now, tell me; what is holding you back?"

I huffed loudly, glancing to the side to avoid his face. I was itching to tell him, to finally relieve myself of the burden of carrying so many secrets. Yet, there was this aching voice at the back of my head reminding me how he broke my trust mere days ago.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now