Chapter 32: Hazy nights

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"Through the sea, -" A soft singing voice came from the halls, making Obi Wan lift his heavy gaze from the report he'd received from the war front. He'd been reading for hours and had lost track of time, as he usually did. His eyes were glassy, his back aching. A deep breath spilled from his lips as he reached out to the lamp on his side, turning it on as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Through the fire, -"

His eyes darted to the clock of the large chamber he'd gotten. It was far better than the one he'd occupied down on the planet, especially because he didn't hear the sounds of the warfront miles away. At first he'd thought he'd finally get a good night's rest, until he realized the work he had to catch up on.

"Through honourable death in fighting, "

It was around 3 o'clock in the evening. Brows furrowed, he slowly stood up and lay aside his holopad as he stretched. "We will come to the sacred land." Though the voice wasn't bad, her words were slurred and off tune.

"Nothing stops us, nothing breaks us." Cautiously he made his way towards the door while listening closely. The pacing was off and the footsteps that accompanied the slurring sounded uneven, as if she was dragging her feet. "Our father awaits us, -" A loud hiccup suddenly disrupted the singing, making Obi Wan flinch slightly. "In the golden halls of Valhalla." She finished, the singing ending in a loud yawn and a thud that could only mean she'd collapsed to the floor.

"Lyanna." Obi Wan huffed, laying his forehead against the cold metal of the door in frustration. His fists balled as he withstood the urge to barge into the hallway, gather her from the floor and drag her back to bed. Yet, the former conversation withheld him from doing so. She'd made it perfectly clear she didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

With a loud sigh he turned back from the door, reaching for the holopad to resume his planning when another voice suddenly rang through the hallways. "Doctor Fireheart!" A low, deep chuckle followed that had chills running up his spine. The next words he spoke were too soft for him to hear and had the jedi turning back towards the door, holopad in hand as he concentrated on the sounds.

"Cassian." The slow slur of her voice had Obi Wan frowning even deeper. He heard shuffling after that made him stand even straighter, straining to hear each sound when whispers followed. He wasn't even sure why he was listening.

He's a doctor. The jedi reminded himself, he's just taking care of her, they must've become friends after working together for so long. He ignored the part where that could've developed into something more. Because he knew... he knew that that would hurt him more than he'd wanted to admit.

Shaking his head, Obi Wan tried to disperse his thoughts and focus on his task but when a particular male chuckle followed that had the hairs rising on his skin he knew something was off. It wasn't the sound of a friend but that of a predator before his prey.

"I think I'm just gonna..." Her voice was hesitant, accompanied by anxious giggles. The jedi had walked back, ear poised at the crack beside the door. "go back to my room."

"Sweetheart, you're too drunk...-" That male voice followed but the rest was too soft for him to make out. His hands hovered above the doorknob, contemplating, knowing that if he intervened the Valerian would never forgive him for it.

"Cassian, please." Although a chuckle followed the words there was something there that set the jedi on edge. When another thud followed, he couldn't help himself and burst through the door.

First his eyes settled on those dull, red rimmed green eyes, black streaks running down her cheek and then on the hand that was poised right next to her head on the wall. The golden nightgown she was wearing barely left anything to the imagination and had him gritting his teeth, especially with her unbound hair falling down her bare back in soft flaming waves. What unnerved him the most was the way she'd pushed herself against the wall to get as much distance between her and the male body covering her.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now