Chapter 8: Cornered

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" - the south perimeter is clear and I have positioned troops around the building. If anyone is coming, we will see them before they can make the shot." Obi Wan continued his briefing, speaking into his commlink as he pushed the blinds aside, looking at the city through the window of my chambers. The warm light shone right into his eyes, lighting up his eyelashes and making his irises turn green as he gazed off.

I, myself, did the same, watching the city's lights colouring the night sky, trying not to get distracted by him. Arms crossed before my body that was now covered only by the dark tunic I wore underneath the armour, I waited for him to finish.

His presence was both soothing and infuriating, my gaze landing on him every so often as he paced through the room, keeping watch on every possible entry point like a hawk guarding a nest. His voice soothed me but at the same time I wanted it to disappear.

Our voyage from the wreckage had gone smoothly safe for the few police bots we encountered on the way. It had even been devoid of any arguments between us for he was too busy conversing with the jedi council about the events to acknowledge the obvious tension between us.

Letting out a deep breath, I tried to relax and let the events of the day dawn on me. The Chancellor wanted to seize goods from Valeria as reconciliation which would probably evoke a planet-wide civil war, the jedi were forcing me to stay to determine if I was a sith and there was a price on my head so high that even the most cunning bounty hunter would come after me. Not to forget, an attempt on my life had already been made.

What puzzled me even more was that the bounty hunter hadn't tried to kill me, but instead tried to kidnap me. That on itself was even more worrisome for it meant that someone was out there that needed something from me. He or she would probably go to extreme measures to get what they want, and I had no idea what it was they were after.

Safe to say, this day wasn't going well. I had hoped that I'd spend it with him, talking about everything that had happened to us on some rooftop in the middle of the city. I had even dreamt of it multiple times, imagined how I would wrap my arms around him and kiss him as if the galaxy depended on it. Alas, it was not what fate had in store for us.

"I'll watch over her for tonight." Obi Wan decided, making butterflies erupt in my stomach no matter how hard I tried to fight it. "We'll set up a schedule tomorrow morning. Thank you, masters." He concluded the briefing, shutting off his commlink after hearing the goodbyes from his colleagues.

His hand waved through his golden locks, ruffling the previous neatly styled hair and making my fingers itch with the urge to put it back in place. I could feel his gaze on my back as I stood, trying to find something to say.

"We've done a complete sweep of the surrounding buildings and I have troopers stationed outside." His footsteps drew near as he spoke hesitantly after a few minutes. Even from this distance I could smell him, the faint aromas of the forest, vanilla and mint. It clouded my senses like honey, luring me with sweetness but hiding the danger that surrounded it. "I'll be here for the night to make sure nothing happens. You'll be safe, your majesty."

"Safe?" I scoffed, watching the flow of traffic beneath. They had placed me in one of the tallest buildings of the district, overlooking the entire city for as far as the eyes could see. The jedi temple and Senate were in view, almost taunting me with their presence, reminding me of the events of the day. "That's not exactly the word I would use, master jedi."

That title. I rarely used it to address him, at least not while we were on Valeria. Seems the circumstances had changed and so did he, for he had transformed into a person I was afraid I no longer recognized. He had always been supportive back on Valeria, so sure that I was the best version of myself while here, he suspected me to be evil in some way.

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