Chapter 15: The final straw

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"After I entered the Republic, my planet almost immediately saw the benefits of the cooperation between, -" Some of the senators droned on, holding some speech about their experiences with the Republic. Even after everything, they were still trying to convince me to enter, to make Valeria a part of their most beloved Republic. I didn't blame them, for my planet held one of the most valuable materials they could use in their war.

I sighed, looking at the other end of the table and over the countless different dishes that were placed upon it. The different smells of foreign food fogged my mind, together with the amount of alcohol they had so kindly provided. I longed for the feasts we always held in Valeria, for the loud and crowded parties we held almost every week.

My eyes soon met Padme's, and she saw the tiredness in my eyes. She smiled softly, nodding curtly as if to reassure me. If it hadn't been for her calming, yet at the same time most interesting presence I would've leapt out of the window by now.

Glancing to the other side, my eyes met Stefan's. He was positioned right next to the entrance of the room, watching us silently with his hand tightly wound around his sword. He'd insisted that he'd accompany me after what happened with Ventress earlier, especially now that the jedi had loosened their guard after 3 days of no threats. Windu himself had decided to stay outside and leave us to our 'politics', claiming he had a briefing he wanted to attend in a different room.

As one of the maids placed a new plate in front of me loaded with desserts, I tried to refocus on the story the senator was telling but found myself zoning out the moment I had tried to do so. It was helpless, and I knew it. Even if I succeeded, I knew there was no way that they could convince me to join them. Not after everything that had happened, not with what was about to happen soon. There was a continuous itch at the back of my head telling me to speed back home and to help Aidan find out what was really happening.

"You want some more, your majesty?" A high voice asked to my right. I glanced to the side and saw one of Padmé's handmaidens holding a flask of the wine from Naboo. She had the same big, brown doe eyes as the senator did and I soon felt my heart warming for her. I nodded, yet when I focused back on the conversation something etched into my mind. A lurking presence, hiding in the shadows.

Immediately straightening up, perched on the etch of my seat, my fingers wrapped tightly around a table knife. I narrowed my eyes, focussing on the threatening presence, trying to find out what it was. It was like a chill before the storm, a warning. I felt it clawing up my spine like frost, making goosebumps appear all over my skin. It was creeping closer each second until suddenly it was running at us full speed.

"Stefan, -" After I'd stood up on my feet, throwing my chair to the ground, a shot sounded through the room, glass shattered and a loud thud soon followed after. In the shock, I felt liquid streaming down my arms. The room filled with terrified screams as they all scattered, diving behind the furniture.

Something warm dripped down my arms, wettening the red dress I was wearing. As I glanced I discovered it was blood, trickling down my skin and dripping onto the floor. But it wasn't mine.

"What in the hell, -" Stefan sprinted towards the window, hid himself behind the wall and peeked outside to see where the shot had originated from.

"Queen Fireheart, what are you doing?! Get down!" One of the senators, who was now lurking behind his chair, reached out to me from his position. Yet I, as I looked down and saw the now limp body of the handmaiden, felt my body fill with rage.

At first I had this instinct to help her but I soon found out that even my healing skills would be of no use. There was a hole in her head, and as I looked through the now broken window I saw the shooter quickly standing up from his hiding spot. Our gazes met, and for a moment we both froze in our position.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now