Chapter 18: Eye of the Storm

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Aaaand it's done. Also, warning; we're like immediately jumping into the mature part. And maybe, just maybe, this whole chapter is well... filled with it. Like the title suggest tho, this is the last moment before disaster happens so don't get too used to it!

Yes, and you'll learn how loud.

Before I knew it his lips were right on mine, his fingers digging into the skin of my thigh and scooting me further up his lap. My surprised gasp was muffled by his kiss, my eyes wide open. I'd just heard him, in my head.

Could he read my mind? Did he know how many times I thought of him, even when it was inappropriate? In the jedi temple during the training, in the council chamber with all the other masters, even in the kriffing latest meeting with Windu right there.

Obi Wan chuckled against my lips which only further raised my suspicions. In a way it should've terrified me, but all it did at that moment was stir up the already growing need and chaos that swirled in my head. Without really meaning to, images rolled from me in ways I didn't even mean to send them.

"Oh, darling." He pulled back slightly, fingers gently drawing through my hair as our eyes connected. A grin spread across his lips as he studied me, my hastened breath fanning over his face as I tried my best to stay in control. "You really need to learn to compose yourself."

"Compose myself?" Even through everything, as he left a trail of kisses down my neck, I managed to find the words but they came out in breathy moans. Biting my lip as he sucked gently on the skin, my nails dug themselves into his tunic, scratching his back.

"And why would I be needing to do that, master jedi?" Just for a moment, I had managed to grasp onto the last sliver of resolve. I was sure I had control again, after speaking the words I knew would throw him off guard, until he pulled back to meet my eyes.

Oh, how mesmerizing he looked. His auburn hair a mess, loose strands hanging before his ocean eyes that were filled with both joy and a deep lust that made my limbs tremble with anticipation. His lips pulled up in a satisfied smirk that only promised more mischief for later. I felt myself sinking deeper into his arms.

"Because, my dear Queen, -" He pulled me down to him till his lips were right next to my ear, his other hand grasping my hips tightly. I had to drape my arms over his shoulder, leaning over his body with our chests pressed together. He placed another slow, tantalising kiss just below my ear before he continued. "I might not always be able to resist you."

Another shudder went straight down my spine. "What if I don't want you to?" He stilled and I could feel his hot breath on my skin as he processed my words.

"Well then, darling, we find ourselves in a most compromising situation, indeed."

And with that, Obi Wan claimed my mouth with his own and stole all my breath away. He felt so warm, so safe, as he wrapped his arms tightly around my figure and pressed me closer against him. His calloused fingers ran up my thighs till they were gently pushing up the fabric of the dress and skimming the edges of my underwear, and I melted even more into his embrace.

Even though both of us were wound tight with want, he continued to kiss me slowly, sweet and lingering, making me cling tightly onto his arms, wanting as much contact as possible. I was a trembling mess, a puddle in his arms.

Obi Wan made me feel so vulnerable, so dependent and it should've scared me. Yet, even with all the dangers it brought with the jedi and their rules, I didn't care. It was too late anyway, for no matter what, I had undoubtedly, madly and deeply fallen in love with him.

"Lyanna." He murmured against my lips before pressing his against mine in a captivating kiss. Then, I felt it, a soft but warm feeling spreading across my chest, a love so deep that I felt it resonate through my entire body. It only took me a few moments to realise that it was him, and that he'd tapped into the bond and reinforced the connection even more. It was like a rope that tightened between us, pulling us closer together till there was no space left.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now