Chapter 17: Unseen manice

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My head was buzzing as I made my way into my room, legs walking without me really registering that they were. It was like I was on auto pilot. Walking, moving, being without me actually realizing I was. My mind was lost, still in that meeting, still looking straight into Windu's eyes as he continued to accuse me of being a 'sith'. I could almost hear his words, feel his scrutinizing gaze on the side of my head.

Then, I saw Cad Bane's eyes. It was almost ironic that his eyes were red too. The way he so confidently captured me and spoke of his contractor made a chill run up my spine that felt all too similar to one I had felt before. This man that was hunting me was persistent. What frightened me the most was that I had no clue who he was, nor what he wanted with me. It seemed that in the end I had only replaced Arthas with someone else, maybe even someone worse. At least I knew who Blackwing was and what he was after. This new threat, I had no clue whatsoever.

Rubbing my knuckles against my temple, I tried to get myself back to where I was. With a deep sigh I looked around the room, heard the troopers outside and Stefan's voice as he spoke to them. Obi Wan had taken us back and started his first patrol around the building. I was left alone with my thoughts once again.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel lifted. Despite everything, despite me breaking the rules they had set for me, despite running away the jedi had actually sided with me this time. Obi Wan stood up for me and it made me giddy with both excitement and a warm appreciation that blossomed in my chest. Finally, something good had happened and I had a way out if it got bad. Someone had my back, and I trusted him with everything I had.

I changed out of my ruined dress while humming, not caring in the slightest about anything anymore, letting my guard down without really noticing. Knowing he was outside made me feel safer than ever before. Standing in the bathroom whilst looking at myself, washing off the make-up, I felt an odd sense of peace wash over me until suddenly it evaporated like snow before the sun.

The moment I looked up from the sink red eyes were staring right back at me. Golden hues woven through the irises, flaring anger evident in them. My whole body froze as I gazed back, mouth hanging slightly agape. It was like my own eyes were replaced by Arthas's, like I was looking right at him in my own body. Blinking several times, the image was suddenly gone and once again I saw the familiar green shade.

"For the love of Freya." I sighed, leaning on the sink, breathing heavily as my heart thumped wildly. It's not real. I'd thought it was over. That after the session with Yoda and Obi, he had gone and so had the visions. But his presence was more evident than ever, pressing on me, suffocating me even here. It was like darkness surrounded me. A thick, dark mist that clouded my vision. Windu was right.

"He's not real." Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath to calm myself. "He can't hurt you." When I opened my eyes again I only saw the shining white of the sink and my flaming red hair framing the vision. All seemed to be normal again until I heard a soft voice whispering behind me, as if talking to himself.

"He's here." In one swift move I turned around, only to be met with the sight of him, standing there, his eyes unfocused. He wasn't even looking at me. No, his eyes stared out through the door, to the chambers, as if he was staring at someone I couldn't see. His fists clenched and unclenched at his side nervously.

"Arthas?" An ice-cold fear crept up my spine as I studied him, walking closer carefully to try and figure out what he was. He can't be here. A voice whispered in the back of my head. He's locked up back on Valeria. He stood there before me, dressed in his battle attire like the last time I saw him, his black hair framing his brown eyes. Brown. They weren't red. Instead, they were an almost familiar warm brown that seemed to prod my mind for distant memories.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now