Chapter 22: Loki's advocate

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Okay so, I drew some Shadow and bone art recently en then just wondered... what if Arthas looked like Ben Barnes/The Darkling? So I messed around here and there with the two drawings and then I kind of made this concept and I... I broke. THIS. I. CANT. Okay that's it, carry on. 

I sat there on the floor, crying silently for Odin knows how long with my arms circled around my knees. While the tears stained my face I kept calling out to him, to try and reach him through our bond. The more I tried, the more I got the feeling that I was banging on a thick iron wall that would never budge. It only seemed to thicken the more I protested.

Obi Wan, please, I'm sorry. Even in my head my voice sounded pathetic. Talk to me. I looked up, scanning the room and finding it awfully quiet. I know what I did was wrong. Stefan would be back from his daily visit to the comroom soon, yet his absence seemed eternal. Even when he would be here, I knew he could never fully fill up the void Obi Wan had left behind. Please, I had no idea.

Again, it remained silent after, only this time it felt like our bond was cut. There was a sharp pain, one that made my heart hammer in my chest and freeze my limbs. I couldn't feel his presence on the other side of the line, only emptiness. A void that now filled me from within. I buried my face further between my knees, holding back the terrible sob that threatened to tear me apart.

"I hate to say I told you so." I jumped to my feet the moment I heard his voice, turning towards the corner and finding him leaning against the wall there, his gaze fixed on the floor before him.

He almost looked serene, the light of the city casting warm shadows on his face as those dark eyes stared out ahead, his jaw clenched just slightly. He wasn't even wearing the Blackwing attire I'd always seen on him. No, he was wearing a casual black shirt and pants that almost made him seem... human. The movement startled him, and soon Arthas's brown eyes connected with mine. First, he frowned. When he realized I heard him a sad smile started to play around his lips.

"Jedi are a sensitive sort. Always complaining, always judging." Arthas sighed deeply, waving his hand around in feigned irritation. He pushed himself off the wall as he started to walk towards me, his black hair hanging in strands before his eyes. The last time I saw him, his hair was tussled and greasy but now, it looked soft and groomed. "He's holding you back."

His gaze turned serious, honest. "He has been since you found your orb. You would be better off without him." Arthas stopped right before me, looking deep into my eyes. Dumbfounded for a few minutes, I stared back, trying my hardest to remember the last time I looked into that shade of dark brown and found hatred inside of myself.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I send him a glare before turning my back towards him, trying to fathom what was happening and if this even was real.

"You forget that I've spent years, -"

"How are you here?" I turned back abruptly, crossing my arms before my chest.

Arthas inhaled deeply before he breathed out the words. "I don't know, you tell me." He shrugged with disinterest, slightly pursing his lips. "The last thing I remember is being locked up by you before I became this... ghost trailing you."

"Serves you right." I turned my back towards him again, pressing my eyes shut and opening them again, trying to wake up from whatever dream I was having. I was supposed to be frightened by his presence but the usual iciness he awakened didn't appear. Sighing deeply, I realized I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted to get back to Obi Wan, to hear his voice again.

"You should let him go." Arthas's voice sounded strangely sincere and empathetic. In the least, it made me turn back towards him with faint interest. "It will never work." When I only raised my eyebrow in response, he quickly continued. "His life is but a flicker of your own. Before you even reach the prime of your life he will be old and grey, -"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now