Chapter 53: Future's past

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Anduin looking very kinglike, ready for battle while Arthas is like 'o', -.-, 'o', ;)) I drew this and then even started contemplating if I should make them gay. Because THAT LOOK, aaarrggh, I was melting. 


I was thrown in another deep pit, where at first all I saw was a blinding green light followed by complete darkness. It felt like I was falling miles and miles through endless nothingness until something pulled on me, like a rope that had caught around my waist and yanked on it. The air was knocked straight out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath.

It dragged me from that darkness but put me through something far worse. Swift images of planets and cities flashed before my eyes, conversations all melding together into a disturbing mingle of screams and cries. It was like time was being sped through while I was also teleporting to every existing planet in the galaxy. Blood covered ground was followed by a sunset over the sea, only to be replaced by city lights twinkling in the dark. Deserts, mountains, oceans, everything happened all at once.

It was all too much, too bright or too dark, too loud or too silent. I closed my eyes against all of it, screaming through the noises that rang through my head. "STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, tears streaking down my face as my palms pressed against my ears.

Before I knew it I landed on my knees. I barely had enough time to catch myself with the palms of my hands. I had to do my utter best not to throw up the contents of my stomach and luckily only gagged as the stars before my vision faded away. I took a few heaving breaths, trying to stop the world from spinning around me.

"Grace Timeturner, would you grand me the honour and the privilege, -" The ground beneath my fingers wasn't the one of the caves. It was sandstone, light brown and warm to the touch, which could only be found in the southern part of Valeria. The part that was once ruled by the Timeturners. "- of becoming my wife and queen, from this day, until the end of my days?"

I looked up from my position, eyes widening when I took in the sight before me. Benches were placed beside me on both sides, an altar at the end of the aisle that was decorated with bright flowers. Behind it sand dunes stretched as far as the eye could see, where the sun slowly descended and turned the sky a bright orange. Surrounded by that light, looking as if they were alight with fire, stood two figures.

Even though my vision was blurry at the edges, I could clearly make out the sharp set of his jawline, the uncountable freckles adorning his skin and the fiery colours of his hair. His blue eyes, with a coronet of golden spots around his pupils, sparkled in the setting sun, the red with golden velvet clothes hugging his muscled figure tightly. There was but a single sword hanging from his hips that had a decorative phoenix resting on its hilt.

"Father?" Mumbling, I stood up from my crouched position as my eyes wandered to the woman before him. With her dark brown hair, olive skin and forest green eyes, it wasn't hard to recognize her either. "Mother?" I watched, incredulously, as she glanced aside and away from her soon to be husband. At first I was afraid she'd heard me even through the barrier of time but her eyes stared right through me.

She was reluctant, that much was clear. Her shoulders were tensed, her hands clenched into fists and her fingers shaking with nervosity. The simple green dress she was wearing also told me that this wedding hadn't been planned for that long. Her fearful eyes searched the small crowd gathered until they seemed to spot the one she was looking for.

I quickly followed her gaze, finding Arthas sitting in the front row, showing a similar tensed posture. Even he had left his armour behind and donned a simple black tunic. In his eyes however there was no spark of fear, only of a deep rage and guilt that seemed to eat him up from the inside. He clenched his jaw as their eyes met and redirected his gaze to the floor. I didn't miss the fact that his knuckles turned white after it.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now