Chapter 29: Old grudges

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"Who are you?"

At the sound of Maul's next footstep, I immediately duck from my hiding spot, jumping over the cabinet and right on top of him. He had no time to even realise what was happening before I tackled him to the ground. The only sound I heard was his loud, surprised snarl and then the thumping of our bodies as we fell over. Within seconds I had my knees pinning his arms down beside him on the floor, scalpel to his throat as I hissed. "I'm the doctor, and this is my hospital."

Somewhere in the process I had lost the hat, my red hair now falling out of the braid and onto his face as those sith eyes glared up at me, a growl erupting from deep within his throat. "You made a mistake coming here, sith." I continued, savouring the moment before I moved my hand to slit his throat, all the pent-up anger finally having the chance to lash out.

This is for Satine.

He stopped me before I could. He used his metallic limbs and kicked up, startling me as a sharp pain now came from my left leg, then used the surprise to pull his hands from my tight grip and throw me over.

Before he had the chance to pin me down I darted away, rolling over till I was on my one knee, leaning on another hand while the other held the scalpel before me. "No, no." He spoke slowly as he stood up, not even making a move to strike as his eyes studied me and a chuckle followed. "There's something... more." Maul took one step towards me as I froze.

I only snarled in response and attacked, lashing out and making another move for his throat with the razor-sharp knife in my hand. He dodged the attack easily by jumping to the side, his eyes never leaving mine as I continued my assaults. Blocking, parrying, dodging, he seemed to slide away from every attack I made without breaking a sweat.

At my 10th attempt he simply caught my wrist mid-air and held it in a devastating grip as he stepped closer. "You are trained." As he spoke deeply a shiver went up my spine. I tried wrenching my arm free, but he only gripped it tighter and backed my up against the cabinet. "Tell me, -" He leaned so closely I could decipher every hint of yellow and orange in his eyes, making my breath hitch in my throat. "what are you?"

"Someone who's going to stop you." I hissed in response and kicked him in the stomach, sending him doubling over and loosening the grip on my hand. Grasping the closest object I could find; I hurtled a stack of testing tubes towards him and watched them shatter around him.

With the fury building in me I unleashed hell. Kicks, punches and slashes, you name it and I gave it to him. Some of his attempts to dodge failed and soon blood was running down his dark skin, his snarl deepening with each attack. "Enough!" He balked when I had cornered him and unleashed a surge of power, throwing me back against one of the tables. My spine seemed to crack, my vision going blurry with it.

I ended up rolling over the table and falling to the floor amidst the shards, groaning as some embedded themselves into my limbs and my head hit the wall. OR clothes weren't the best of armor, I realized, as I glanced up at his approaching figure with a blurred vision and blood running down my skin. Before I could dart away from his hands, he grasped the back of my shirt and lifted me in the air before him.

"Why are you here?" Maul continued, the curiosity in him overpowering the anger. He studied me closely, top to bottom. Somehow, I realized, he must have figured out I wasn't a normal doctor.

"That's none of your damn business." I growled, lashing out with the other hand than he'd expected me to and found out I was holding a shard of glass which I embedded in his torso right next to his heart.

His only response was to throw me away against the closets a few feet back, more glass shattering around me as I fell to the floor afterwards. Through my blurred vision, I could barely make out him pulling out the shard and throwing it away. "Such hatred, such determination." Maul cautiously walked towards me as I struggled to stand back up, his sinister chuckle filling the silence. "Tell me, do we know each other?"

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now