Chapter 19: A lesson in Valerian History

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The first rays of sunshine shone through the windows and coloured the furniture a soft orange, lightning her red hair and making it seem like they were pure fire, framing her face and cascading down in soft waves. The sounds of engines and traffic filled the room, but Lyanna remained focussed on the book before her.

Whilst Obi Wan was outside conversing with his clone troopers and getting ready to depart, the queen was once again submerged in one of the books she'd retrieved from the jedi's archives. Filled with mad scribbles, the one before her now was not one the jedi masters would've wanted her to have. Quite the contrary, it was forbidden for anyone other than the masters themselves to read it and even then, it was strongly discouraged. But she, as Obi Wan already knew and regretted, was too stubborn to follow their rules and above all; too curious for her own good.

Her green eyes glided over the pages and soon focussed on a drawing of the sith holocron she'd read so much about. Even glancing at the picture had nerves blooming in her stomach, the knowledge settling within her that this wasn't what she was supposed to be doing. Eyebrows knitting together, she looked up at the door Obi Wan had disappeared through before returning her eyes to the pages.

It was a device she had heard off before. One that was able to cure any curse, affliction or corruption, or so her Valerian legends had said. Here, however, it was written that this particular sith holocron could syphon someone's life force out of them and transfer it to the one who wielded it.

Could it cure me of this thing inside of me? Lyanna wondered as she closed her eyes and sighed deeply, feeling the presence of Arthas still looming over her. It hadn't left, but it hadn't gotten closer either. Can this be the solution I am looking for? She'd struggled with this darkness for the past few months but had gotten no closer to figuring out how to fight it. On the contrary, all it did was inch closer each moment she lost control.

Even if it can't help me, I could use it on Arthas, to make sure he never breaks free again. To make sure he never again has the power to tear apart Eagle's Fall as he did before. In any case, it would prevent this nightmare I've been dreaming off the past few months. Opening her eyes again and skipping to the next page, she soon discovered that the artifact had been lost in enemy territory for several hundred years now. Which territory, she couldn't find out because the page had been ripped from the book.

Figures. She sighed deeply, blowing away a strand of hair that had fallen before her eyes. Leave it for the only solution to be untraceably lost.

"Lyanna, darling."

Her head shot up at the sound of his voice, her hands closing the book she was holding in a reflex. She saw his blue eyes flickering towards the cover, his lips pursing slightly but soon his gaze returned to hers. A small smile played around the edge of her lips when she spotted the last few damp spots on his hair.

Despite her protests and attempts, Obi Wan refused to let her dry him off using her magic. In a way he was still scared of the fire, and of letting her use it in an environment he wasn't exactly sure was safe. So now, while Lyanna herself was fully clothed and dried off, the jedi still walked around with moist robes and damp skin.

"Yes, master jedi?" She propped herself up on the couch, watching him curiously as he walked to her side.

"Come, the other masters are waiting." He held out his hand for her to take. The stoic facade soon slipped into his previously adoring features. "They've got something special planned for today." Obi Wan pulled her on her feet and steadied her body when she swayed slightly, her legs still sore from that morning. He scrunched his eyebrows in worry but couldn't help the smirk that soon graced his lips.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now