Epilogue: A New Hope

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^^^ our queen, now and always

15 years later

It was a day like any other.

Lyanna Fireheart got up at daybreak, the first light of the twin suns peeking out over the sand dunes casting a bright light on her eyelids. She opened them, looking at the soft brown curtains failing to shadow the room and yawned loudly, her eyes watering. Her gaze fell on the clock on the nightstand beside her. It took a moment until her vision was cleared and she could read the numbers; 6:10.

She cursed softly under her breath and stretched, having to disentangle herself from the warm embrace she'd found herself safely encumbered in. His heavy arms were draped around her middle as usual, keeping her body tight against his as if he was afraid she might still leave.

The familiar scent of forest and pine was heavy on the air. The queen smiled, reluctant to get up and leave the warm cocoon they'd created. She was afraid she couldn't anyway, with his grip so tight, but with a few quick practiced manoeuvres she managed to escape from his hold.

She stretched and yawned loudly, leaving a sleepy Obi Wan behind who had barely managed to open his eyes and muttered a soft "be safe, my darling" before he fell right back into a deep slumber.

She grinned down at him, enjoying the way his hair had turned into a messy chaos and lay in thick strands across his forehead. His face, which looked like it hadn't aged a day since they had bonded, looked as peaceful as she had ever seen it. Once again she was grateful that both their nightmares had stopped coming after so many years of waking up drenched in sweat and with screams of terror on their lips.

Peace had come to them at last.

The once-queen let her finger glide over his bare shoulder with the faintest of touches. His torso peeked out from under the thin sheets and showed the hard-earned muscles, the skin turned to a golden hue due to the merciless dessert sun. It remained free of the signs of aging most humans his age would've shown by now.

Being a Valerian had its perks, including slowing the process of aging in a bonded, other-worldly partner. It was something she'd discovered with great relief after a few years together, when the grey hairs he'd sported during the clone wars had gradually disappeared.

She would have him for longer than she'd first anticipated, and she was more than grateful. Lyanna bend down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Say hi to Luke for me." She whispered before pulling back, earning a soft hum from her husband and a crooked smile. She doubted he'd even remember what she'd asked and knew he'd only remember the warmth of her lips instead.

With reluctance she pushed herself off the bed and came to a halt before the mirror on the wall, her eyes coming into contact with her own reflection. It took but a few seconds for her to become accustomed to the sight. Her skin held a healthy rosy glow, her belly a bit rounder than before but the muscles on her arms as prominent as ever, her hair now short, straight and a tint of silver. At the roots of the silver strands the red came peeking out yet again, making her let out a sigh of frustration.

She'd have to dye it again soon. It was the only thing she could change that would lead people astray when looking for her, for she refused to wear coloured contacts daily. If not only for her own comfort, she loved the green too much to cover it up for it reminded her of the forests on the planet she had once loved.

Besides, she didn't want to change everything about herself for the Empire. She refused to let them turn her into another person, to let them loose herself in fear of being discovered when they had taken everything else of hers already. It was her own little rebellion of sorts, the only one she could afford to have.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now