Chapter 36: Faded memories

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"I hope you have an escape plan."

"I always do, my queen, I always do."

As the elevator door closed before us my body was still spiked with adrenaline and my chest was heaving up and down heavily with fastened breaths. I could barely feel the bruises that had started to form on my skin or those few scratches Dryden's daggers had left on my arms. That dark power that Arthas had summoned still coursed through my veins, awakening each part within me, filling me with giddy excitement.

I hadn't felt this alive for months and gods, I had missed the thrill of it. The feeling of that power that somehow seemed unending, intoxicating.

I was basically jumping on the spot but when I glanced aside, Obi Wan was the complete opposite. He had his arms crossed casually; his eyes narrowed in concentration as his mind raced. Yet there somewhere in his eyes I saw the same spark of excitement, the thrill of the mission that awakened that warrior part within him.

Somehow, it made me grin widely. "So, what is it?"

He froze for a moment, pulled out of his thoughts. "What is what, my darling?"

My body almost sung with joy in response no matter how hard I tried to fight it. Oh, for fucks sake. "The plan." My voice wavered only slightly. When he remained silent I glanced at him again, noting the way his hair was slightly dishevelled and his suit was wrinkled in certain places. "What even happened to you?"

"I was grabbed when I went looking for you." Obi Wan said as the elevator descended further to the main level. Cursing under my breath I turned my gaze back to my front. Dryden had known all along who he was entertaining. All I hoped was that he hadn't managed to inform Maul yet. "I don't know how many of his guards know about us, but we'll find out soon enough when we try to leave."

The elevator came to a halt and in the moment it took for the doors to open I asked a question to which I dreaded the answer. "What if all of them do?"

Our gazes connected as we both assessed that possibility. "Then, my queen, I'm happy you've been training."

Odin, guide us. A string of curses almost fell from my lips as we stepped out, both our eyes scanning the hallway for guards. Obi's hand gently grasped my own and pulled me out, darting for the ballroom. "Exactly how many did you have to fight to get to me?" If the strength of his grip was any indication, at least ten. When my eyes darted around the corridor, I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the corner. At least he'd tried to hide them.

"Enough." When we neared an intersection, he suddenly pulled to an abrupt stop, mere seconds passing before he turned around swiftly and pushed me behind one of the art pieces, this one being a large tapestry hiding an alcove.

"Obi!" With widened eyes I looked up at him as he pushed my shoulders against the wall and trapped me there, his hands positioned on the wall on either side of my head. It was only when I heard footsteps drawing near when I realized why he'd done it.

"Blast it." He cursed, lowering his head and pressing his eyes shut. The tapestry wasn't providing enough cover, so every guard rounding the corner would spot us almost immediately. Based on the sound of their footsteps, these were drawing nearer with every passing second. With the fact that this hallway was probably restricted area for the guests, it was safe to say that we wouldn't be able to make it out without a fight.

Unless we could somehow convince them we were unharmful.

"Obi Wan." My fingers curled into the fabric of his suit, my heart hammering against my chest as realization dawned on me.

Crimson Eyes ~ Sequel to: The Valkyrie, An Obi-Wan Story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now